Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Callie's P.O.V

We were all waiting outside Allison's room, excited. They wouldn't let us see her yet because they were running some tests on her in case anything's wrong. Then some other doctors came in saying they wanted to ask her some questions, but they hadn't left yet, and they have been in there for an hour and a half. We were all getting worried.

Harry was tapping his foot impatiently on the floor and everyone was getting frustrated at him. No matter how many times we told him to stop, he couldn't help but start doing it again. He was doing it subconsciously, so I understood. All of the guys' hair was messed up from how much times they had been running their hands through it.

My nails were almost gone from all the biting I'd been doing. Niall would occasionally stop me by smacking my hands out of my mouth lightly, and at some point, he grabbed them and held them tightly. Not enough to hurt me, but as a statement.

Zayn sighed once again, which made us all sigh.

Suddenly, the door to Allison's room opened and the doctors came out. We all stood up at the same time and looked at the main doctor hopefully.

"Well, her wounds are healing quite nicely, but she still needs to recover from her bone fractures. Until then, she has to be in a wheelchair, so no dramatic movements, alright?" We all nodded excitedly. "Good. She also showed no signs of memory loss, but take it easy, she's still processing things. Now, only 1 person can go at a time at this moment, so who's going first?"

I looked at everyone, but their eyes were on me.

"Me?" I asked, surprised.

"You were the one who spent most of your time with her. You deserve to see your best friend first," Harry said.

"But Harry, you're the one who-"

"No excuses, just go," he interrupted me.

I smiled widely and hugged him, then sprinted towards the room. This is it, I get to see my best friend again. Finally.

I opened the door slowly and peeked in. Allison was staring out the window of her room. She hadn't noticed me walk in, so I stood next to her bed, waiting for her to look. I was smiling widely, trying to hold in a laugh, but a snort came out. Allison jumped and closed her eyes tightly, hands at her chest.

"Who's there??" She almost yelled.

I looked at her funny, an uneasy smile on my lips.

"It's me, silly, do I really look that different?" I chuckled nervously. She looked my way, but it seemed as though she couldn't find me. Her eyes were clouded.

"Callie? Is that really you?" She asked and reached her hands out, but they weren't pointed towards me.

"Allison, I'm right here, can't you see me?" I croaked. Please, tell me she's not.

"No, I-I can't," her arms reached out, but grasped nothing, "Can you at least turn on the lights?"

I stared at her, tears we,king up in my eyes.

"The lights are on," my lip quivered and I grabbed her hand softly. I hid my head in the bed sheets, not wanting to cry, but failing.

I was sobbing loudly and I could hardly hear Allison when she spoke.

"Callie... Hey, Callie?" I raised my head up. Allison stared at me, with a slight smile at her lips.

"I was just playing, you don't have to cry, you baby," she chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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