Chapter 24~ A Ship in the Sky

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Midnight's POV

I waited on the shore of the healer's camp, the cold wind blowing through my deer-skin dress. I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing the goose bumps on my skin. The sun was just beginning to rise, sending its rays shooting across the red sky, red with the blood about to be spilt.

I knew that there would be casualties and wounded. I knew that my sister would need my help if she ever thought that she would be able to survive this insane battle.

I knew that she thought that I was weak. I couldn't fight or hunt like her. Unlike my sister, I was born on this island. Grandmother told me that the island gifted me the ability to heal instead of destroy, something that Tiger Lilly, though clever as she was, would never quite understand.

She was born on Earth, the ground teaching her to be hard, strong, firm and brave. She knew her way and the path at which she was sent by the gods. I was different, hence she dismissed me as beneath her.

However, unlike what I told my sister, I knew that Vincent was alive. I did love that owl-faced boy with his strange skin and yellow hair. He was unlike any man that I had ever seen.

I don't know why I didn't tell Jill that Vincent was alive. Perhaps it was greed, or maybe it was jealousy. Something in my gut told me not to. I tried to convince myself that the shock wouldn't be good for her and that she needed time, but it was no use.

When I heard that Jill had run off and gotten captured, I knew that it was my fault.

I knew that he would never love me the way that he loved her. 

On the night that Vincent was shot, I knew that something was wrong. A voice came to me and woke me from my slumber. The island herself was speaking to me, telling me where to go and to bring Penta with me, along with my healers basket. We traveled through the jungle and found a boat that took us to the black castle.

We went up into the caves and watched as Hook shot Vincent. As soon as the pirates cleared away we ran over to him and I found that, though faint as it was, his heart was still beating.

I wept for joy and thanked the goddess of the island.

We gathered him up and took him over to the jungle caves where I knew he would be safe. We set him up on a matt of banana leaves and dug the bullet out of his chest before dressing his wounds. Before I left he started talking in his sleep. 

"Jill?" he asked, his voice faint, "Jill!"

I never thought that such a small word could break my heart so easily.

At that moment, I knew that he would always call out to her instead of me. I could see it in the way that his eyes lit up when she walked in the room and the way that a sideways smile always danced across his face whenever he talked about her. Yet even though I knew he would never love me like he loved her, I still hoped beyond hope that he would change.

I was such a fool.

Tears streamed down my face as I prayed to the goddess that helped me save Vincent to help Jill would make it back safely so that I could tell her all that I did wrong.

I also prayed that she wouldn't hate me once it was over.


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