Chapter 6

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"What's wrong with you?" Cayley asked from the seat beside me. We were on the plane, about to take off, and I was freaking out. I had never been on an airplane before, and to be honest, I never wanted to be on. But here I was.

"I don't like planes. After all of those people dieing in plane crashes? I made a vow to myself to never get on one of these flying death traps. Or boats. I mean, have you seen  The Titanic!"

"Everything will be fine." She said patiently. It reminded me of the way someone would talk to a baby, or a very scared little kid. At this point though, that's what I felt like. I didn't feel like a brave 15 year old who agreed to sneak out with her best friend and go to England. No, I felt like a scared four year old who wanted more than anything for her mommy to run on board and demand I get off the plane.

But that wasn't going to happen.

"How do you know? How do you know we won't die in a bloody, fiery plane crash?" I felt like such a wimp. I was the oldest, and here I was being comforted by Cayley. I should be comforting her.

"Just trust me. It'll be fine." I sighed, and sat back in the seat, my seat belt hugging me tightly.


"I am so glad that's over." I sighed as I walked off the plane. Cayley happily bounced down the steps behind me. I walked over to get out luggage.

"We need to get a taxi, and find a hotel." Cayley chirped. I honestly have no idea how she can be so happy and energetic all the time. I was going to have to get a few days worth of sleep to get back to where I was supposed to be.

Cayley hailed a taxi. Once our luggage was stowed away in the trunk, and the two of us were settled in the back seat, she instructed the driver to find a 'nice but affordable hotel.'

A little while later, the taxi stopped in front of a hotel. It looked to be two stories tall. It was brick, and had gardens every where. It looked nice enough.

Once the driver got our stuff out, and we had paid him, Cayley and I rolled our suitcases into the lobby of the hotel. We walked up to the guy at the front desk.

"May I help you?" He asked politely.

"Yes. We would like a room."

"One bed or two?" I looked to Cayley.

"One." She said. "It's cheaper."

"One please." The guy typed some things into the computer.

"Okay, it's $40 a night or $280 for a week." He said. That's basically the same thing, I thought to myself.

"We'll pay each night." I said. It's probably non refundable, and there's no way I'm losing a bunch of money if we have to leave early. He typed some more, and then handed me two keys. I gave him the forty dollars.

"Room 212. It's on the second floor. Breakfast starts eight. Ends at 11:00. Enjoy your stay." Cayley and I wheeled our suitcases over to the elevator. I hit the little 2, and leaned back against the wall.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. She looked at the sweat that was beaded on my forehead. "You're all pale."

"I hate elevators. They're extremely small, and get stuck." I replied shakily.

"I forgot. You're claustrophobic aren't you?" She asked.

"Just a bit." I said, closing my eyes. Then the elevator stooped, and I swear my heart quit beating. I began to panic slightly, until the doors slid open, and I rushed out. I found our room, and collapsed with a sigh just inside the door.

I laughed happily, and rubbed the carpet, as I tried to get my breathing back to normal. Cayley just looked at me like I'd gone crazy.

"Well, okay then." She said as she stepped over me. "I'll just leave you to it then." Picking up her suitcases and lifting them over me, she walked over to the bed.

"We should probably get to sleep." She said once I'd finally crawled off the floor. "We gotta get up early tomorrow to get ready for the concert." I just nodded and collapsed onto the bed. I was still in my basketball shorts, so I wormed my way under the covers as she went to change into her pajamas. I was asleep before she got back.

Author's note: Sorry guys! I know this chapter is really boring and short. And I also know that the story hasn't been very entertaining yet, but we're getting there. I'm working on chapter 7 right now, and we get to see what Harry and the band are up to! Isn't that exciting?

~Ta ta for now.~

P.s: Go read The One Direction of Life by Lil_Ninja

It's her first story, but it's amazing. :)

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