It All Comes With A Price...

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Damon’s Pov

Walking back home through the woods I saw a girl with black hair lying on the ground blood pouring out of her neck “You have got to be kidding me” I mumbled, immediately I knew this was Stefan just by the way her neck was ripped out, feeling like the hero today I waked over to her picking her up.

Biting into my wrist I put my hand on her lips letting the blood fall down in her mouth “Come one princess” I stroked her hair rolling my eyes, after a couple of seconds the girl pulled away standing up she slightly swayed “Easy there” I smirked holding into her.

“What the fuck happened!” she screamed I chuckled “Nothing much really, just that my brother nearly killed you” I spoke sarcastically, she lifted her hand and in one quick motion I was holding my cheek “Ouch” she shrieked “Asshole” I glared at her.

“I want an explanation” I chuckled grabbing her face I looked into her green eyes that were full of innocence I started to compel her “You will forget everything that happened, you were out for a jog then you fell down. I found you and that’s all you remember” I felt a small tingle of guilt rise in me as she nodded her head.

“Hi” she smiled I smirked “Hey” she smirked twirling her hair “Sabrina” I smirked shaking her hand “Damon” she bit her lip looking around I could feel the awkwardness “Why don’t we go back to my place for a drink?” Sabrina nodded her head as she smiled “Ok”

“So Sabrina what brings you town?” Sabrina bit her lip as she shrugged “Nothing really, im visiting my cousins for a couple days” I frowned “Cousins?” she nodded her head “Yeah! Sierra and Elena Gilbert” my eyes widen “They are your cousins?” Sabrina nodded her head “Yeah…”

“Cool” I mumbled I looked at Sabrina and damn she was hot, slim body, black hair and green eyes, she looked a bit like Sierra but she was nowhere near here… Sierra god the moment that we had today. I need to keep my feelings for Sierra pushed deep down I can’t show her I love her, she loves me like a brother.

“Where here” Sabrina nodded as she walked into the house “Nice” I smirked pouring 2 glasses of Bourbon “Here you go” she smirked eyeing me “Thanks” I sat down on the couch signalling for Sabrina to come over “So tell me how are you and the Gilberts cousin?” Sabrina shrugged taking a sip of her drink “There dad, John is my uncle unfortunately” I nodded my head “Sucks for you”

Sabrina glared at me as she threw the pillow at me “Asshole” after a uncomtorbale silence washed over Sabrina stood up and put the stereo on “Come dance with me” I smirked as I stood up wrapping my arms around her waist we started to sway to the beat.

Sierra’s Pov

I walked down the street my head phones blasting with music; I honestly could not care less about Elena. I don’t even know who she is anymore. I heard a whooshing sound but I ignored it thinking It was just the wind, after a couple of seconds i could hear movements , a cold chill running down my spine I looked around for anyone, but there was no one.

Walking a little faster the whooshing sounds grew until I was pinned to the wall by a brunette “What the hell!” I screamed, I looked up to meet eyes with the second she devil “Katherine” she smirked “Older Gilbert” I struggled against her “What do you want?”

She shrugged looking around she smirked “Nothing…just you” with that she plunged something sharp in my arm making me scream “It won’t take too long, I promise” was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

Stefan’s Pov

After I killed that girl that was in the forest I walked around the woods trying to fight all the guilt that was eating me alive, I sat down on a log running my hands through my hair when I heard crunches of leaves “Go away” I heard a small giggle and a finger trace over my back “Awe Stefan what’s wrong?” I groaned turning around I met eyes with Katherine.

“What do you want Katherine? Im in no mood” she smirked and sat down next to me “I need something form you” I raised my eyebrows “Why?” Katherine stood up smirking “You promised me Stefan remember?” I nodded my head remembering how I promised I would help her.

“Yes” Katherine smirked “That’s good, I want you to send a message to Klaus” she twirled her hair around her finger “I want my freedom it’s about time that I get it, If I don’t get my freedom know that Sierra will be dead…” she paused then smirked “I mean turned into a vampire” Katherine smirked, Immediately I pinned Katherine to the tree.

“What did you do to Sierra?” I growled, Katherine laughed as she flipped me over “Nothing…yet. Tell Klaus I want my freedom in 24 hours, if im not granted my freedom Sierra will become a vampire” with that she took off in vampire speed.

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