Chapter 5

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She walked away from me and seeing the pain she was in, I couldn't stop her. I knew that she wouldn't believe me if I told her anything now. It was better to give her a few hours to calm down and then hopefully she will talk to me. It was killing me that she'd jump to such conclusion and think that I'd do anything with any other woman. On the other side of it, it was ego busting knowing that she cared enough about me to get jealous at seeing me with another woman.

"Evangeline, you really didn't need to make things worse. You could obviously see Slone was upset. Why provoke her more?" I was seething with anger and when my eyes met hers, she took a step back and held her hands out in front of her to try to put something between us.

"I didn't mean it the way it came out. I think she's perfect for you actually. She's strong and won't take any of your shit. Maybe I should go speak to her alone... with out you and give her some womanly incite to you and your ways?" I was at my wit's end and it couldn't do any more harm than had already been done.

"I think that's a great idea. She won't speak to me and she probably won't even look at me. I guarantee that she will try to hit you when she sees you but she'll be too interested in what you have to say for her to turn you away. She has so many questions about us and our bond that's she will listen to you better than she would me." I gave Evangeline Slone's address and she left me standing there in the shopping center's parking lot. I walked back to my car and got inside, closing my eyes and concentrated on Slone. I could feel how much pain she was in and it killed me. I could only hope that she would actually listen to Evangeline and let me back in.

Standing there with all that money in my hands, feeling like the biggest ass in the world. I'd come here to find Slone something to make her happy and instead, I'm only made her hate me. It was like cosmically, everything was trying to stop us from being together.

"Dammit," I yelled. I placed my hands on my head and moved towards my car. I noticed an older woman watching me and I noticed she was watching me.

"I'm sorry," I said to her and she jumped slightly getting into her car quickly. Nosy old woman.

The whole drive home I sat in silence. My mind was screaming me to go back there and kill him while my heart was screaming at me to go back there and listen to him. I saw him with that woman and rage so strong took me over I wanted to explode. Everyone in my life had let me down and I didn't think Eric was capable of cheating on me so soon, but I just couldn't just let someone in that easy. I already cared more for him that I'd ever cared about anyone else but he was going to have to work to be more.

I parked my car and made my way up to my apartment. As I rounded the corner in my hallway, I saw a woman pounding on my door. BANG, BANG, BANG.. She pounded on the door harder than any woman I'd ever seen. "SLONE? PLEASE ANSWER THE DOOR." I knew that voice..

I stopped walking and my shoes squeaked, making Evangeline look in my direction. She looked at me, then back at the door and smiled. "I'm sorry. I thought you were in there ignoring me. I was really pounding on the door huh?" Her voice was light and friendly, instantly making me start walking towards her.

"What do you want?" My question came out as a snap but she didn't scowl at me, she smiled and I frowned more at her.

"I came to talk to you about Eric. I think there are some things you and I need to discuss." I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"We have nothing to discuss. You can have him." I stepped in front of her and unlocked my door. As I moved to slam it in her face, she caught it with her hand, making the door stop instantly. Damn, she is strong! I looked back at her face and she was still smiling at me. Something about her was nagging at my insides to let her speak. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask Eric and a lot of them I didn't want to ask, so maybe she was a better alternative?

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