Chapter 4 : Wrong Turn??

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"That's something." Rina remarked as she stared at the huge waterfall.  

The heavy sound of water dropping over the rocks could be heard distinctly and they were probably a mile or two from there. 

"Let's go! We have no time to waste." Tim edged her to move on.  

Rina's POV 

I'm totally mesmerized by the magnificence of the place. It's like God's hand-woven paradise. 

"Are you ok?" Tim asks me with the air worry. 

I simply nod, not sure what to say. 

I'm not even sure why I'm being good with this guy. I expected him to bug me like the others. I've always been a spoiled child. Not my fault though. I've been brought up that way, considering my family is of the royal blood-line. And no one seemed to tolerate my behaviour. But this guy seems different. 

I shake my head. No. No. No. They are all the same.  

There's a chuckle by my side. 

"Day dreaming?"  

I stomp on his feet. "None of your business." 

"Ow! Rina!"  

He has a frown on his face. Sure looks cute on him.  

'No, don't go by looks, Rina.' My mind tells me. 

"What was that for?" He scowls. 

I stuck out my tongue at him, laughing.  

"It's my turn to laugh now." 

"I didn't even laugh at you." 

"Aww... Really?" 

I don't know, but I'm somehow enjoying my journey. I think it's the first time, I've been truly happy in my life...

Tim's POV 

She's a handful. But I'm not the one to give up. 

I stretch out a bit to feel my left foot that was hurt.  

"Better?" She's mocking me, it seems but I feel a bit of sympathy entwined with it. 

Now, that it's better we can resume our journey. 

The sound of the waterfall seems more distinct now.  

"We're halfway there." I announce to attract her attention.  

"Hmmm." She hums to herself, following me casually but of course, on her guard. I have a feeling that she doesn't trust me or maybe she doesn't like trusting people. 

Just then, I hear a muffled cry of a wolf, possibly a shifter. 

Shifter? What's a shifter doing here? 

It makes no sense at all.  

I put my hand to cover Rina's mouth, much to her displeasure. 

She starts hitting my chest but I keep my hold firm and point her head towards the direction of the waterfall.  

She's stunned as much as I. Sure, we've heard of ravaging wars between Sages and Shifters but we've never seen a Shifter up close like this.  

"Do not make any sound. Understand?" I whisper with the faintest tone. 

She nods in agreement. 

I don't want to leave her like this but I must find out what's going on here. A Shifter in Sage's territory is not a good sign. 

I give her a hopeful smile. 

"I'll be back in a minute." This is the first time I see her nervous but I have to go out there.

Rina's POV 


'Wait! He's leaving me? Here? Alone?' 

I'm not sure what to say. 

I can't say that I'm scared of being alone now, can I? 

He says he'll be back. Should I trust him?  

After everything that has happened to me, I don't suppose I should. 

It's going to be dark soon and now I'm alone in this creepy jungle. 

'Don't make a sound' As if I'm his slave. He can't order me around. 

I nudge my way steadily, disobeying Tim's words.  


Tim creeps up slowly onto a tree to get a better view of the small clearing below.  

He's startled by a laugh.  


There were two of them...but he could not be certain. 

As he climbs above, the body of a full-grown wolf is slowly becoming visible, revealing its wounded state.  

"Bad bad wolf." One of the hunters were poking it with a stick, making it growl.

Tim's POV 

I've never seen a shifter before. Such a magnificent creature and it certainly is huge.  

I hope Rina is doing fine. I need to finish these hunters off and get back to her as quick as possible. 

The shifter screamed as the other hunter threw a stone from the fire pit at him.  

Now I see. They must have caught him with those bullets that rained nets. 

I start to descend from my tree when I see something that literally gives me the shock of my life. 

'Rina! I told you stay hidden." 


He starts descending down quickly and swiftly runs towards the clearing. 

He hears a gasp. She must have been startled to see the shifter and the hunters.  

Then there's the sound of a boom and everything's still. 

"It cannot be. They cannot kill her." He mutters to himself frantically.

*A/N: So, did ya guys enjoy the chapter? I worked hard on it and so, here's the product of my imagination. Hope you find it thrilling! Stay tuned. ? 


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