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Chapter 3: The Agreement

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Unless both sides win, no agreement can be permanent.

-Jimmy Carter

Francesca Marcolini's POV

I couldn't believe it. I stared at the report on last night's charity ball.

He wasn't lying, I thought furiously.

He didn't donate even a single centavo because I refused to help him with his ridiculous quest. That heartless man walked away without giving donations to the charity he claimed he'd been supporting.

I stood abruptly from my chair and grabbed my bag on the table. "Lucy," I told my young secretary just outside my office without stopping from my tracks. "Cancel all of my appointments today."

"May I ask where you are going in case someone looks for you, Mrs. Marcolini?"

I gave her a grim smile as I looked back where she'd been sitting. "I'm going to see an exasperating man."

I didn't wait for my secretary's reply before marching to the elevator purposefully. Right now, I only have one thing in my mind—that is, to confront that womanizer devil who'd been a plague to me ever since I had the misfortune to meet him years ago.

The moment I saw him, fifteen seconds of his company, I concluded that I didn't like him as much as he didn't like me. He was the personification of what I hate in a person. He's a sarcastic sharp-tongue libertine who viewed the world with such cynicism in his pitch-black eyes. You couldn't say a single observation without him replying in a sardonic manner. Sometimes—no, most of the time we're forced to endure each other's company. I am sure as hell that we only prevent ourselves from killing each other.

He's my nemesis. My archenemy.

So why in the world does he suddenly want me to find him his bride?

Why is he plaguing me with this stuff?

Is this the new way he thought to amuse himself? ...in annoying me?

I had enough of this. I flagged the taxi and barked his office address to the cab driver. I will confront him and demand what is wrong with him. I will not let him toy with the charity just to infuriate me. Those children seriously needed his donations.

After suffering from the gruesome traffic in Rome, the cab finally pulled over the pavement in front of the Orsini Industries. I took a deep breath as I slid off the cab. I can do this, I told myself once again as I repeated those words repeatedly inside the car.

I strode at the magnificent modern lobby where Marco Orsini ruled like the king he thought he was. I rode the elevator ignoring the curious stares being thrown in my direction by the people inside the lobby. I held myself with such dignity to never let them affect me.

Once I arrived at the top floors where his office was located, I strode inside not bothering to ask his secretary if he's available or not. By now, I have only a thread-bare of patience left for him as I invade his office.

"You are sarcastic. Heartless. Ungrateful. Man."

Marco Orsini's POV

I wasn't entirely surprised when Francesca Marcolini barged in my office and spit those words with such menacing fervor, given that I didn't donate even a single penny on the charity event where she's one of the organizers.

Oh, I intend to donate to that charity but I thought to keep my endowment first and used it as leverage to this woman so she can help me with my problem.

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