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Hellloooooo peppppppppoooolllllsss

check out greed avaricious whose on my profile

hes really deep so geton his profile and check it out

IMMMMMM VERRRRYYYYY SOORRRRYYYYYYY *weeps and falls into pitiful heap you can kill me if you want to (but do it fast) coz I haven't uploaded for over a term L((((((((

I go to a nerd skool (as you probs noe) so skool has literally taken over my life but I have managed to slip this chappie in. Also, none of my storied are edited so J

Also, I probably have lost alllll my fans and im very sad and I still wuv all of you guys and I hope u forgive me J

Someone very close to me had to go to hospital near the end of skool term one so I didn't upload in the first few days of hols coz it was pretty serious

But anyhoooo I luv you guys andim really sorry I haven't uploaded for ages but here we have it:

Chappie 16



Chapter 16

The room was a spectacular explosion of illegal substances ranging from drugs that were as docile as love potions but still illegal to what look like the old royal staff of the Terra Lands. The staff had disappeared over a thousand years ago, far earlier then when I had been born. It was pure evil and for its disappearance, the Terra lands had taken thousands of innocent lives including those of my country.

It was an ugly staff: a slab of black wool about a meter long and the width of my wrist with a black jewel of some kind on the end encased in human bone. If the staff was the real one, there would be continuously moving inscriptions across the surface of the wood (There was).

There were over a million stories about the fate of the staff. Interestingly enough, no one had come up with the possibility that Dusch had taken it, Rather genius really and I would have applauded them it hadn't cost the lives of thousands of innocents.

But this range of criminal substances was not what surprised me the most. In truth, it was the woman sitting in the centre of the room. She was sitting upright, hair tied in a careless bunch, swathed in cloths of the rainbow, hands in the air, palms facing the ceiling while she sat, floating in the air.

She was really beautiful. In fact, calling her just beautiful would have been an insult to her looks. I could only see half her face but from what I could see, she was like Aphrodite in human form. She had blond hair reflected the candlelight of the room, her skin looked as soft as a babies and I could guess that it felt like that to. Her nose (from what I could see) was straight and firm, her eyes a crystal, clear blue.

Cress whispered softly, "Alaedia?" I heard her sigh and she turned around. I gasped in horror and shock. The other side of her face was a mess of ruddy pink flesh, the traces of burn scars and skin pits. But her eyes were sill perfect, a blue so clear I felt as though I were staring at shards of ice.

"Hello Alexandra," she said, her voice sending chills running up my spine.

"This is Alaedia, she is my father's magic woman-"Cress began but was cut off my Alaedia.

"The reason why my face is so is because I am a magic woman. I am ruled by balance; half beautiful, half ugly, half kind, half evil."

I turned red in shame, a flush crawling up my face.

"There is no need to be embarrassed, others have reacted worse before," she continued, her voice kinder. "But still..." Then she threw the knife at me.

I froze for a millisecond before ducking and rolling to the side as the knife flew past me, landing right where I had been standing a moment ago.

"ALAEDIA!" roared Cress. His face was purple and his large calloused hands fisted as he screamed at her. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU HAVE SHAMED DUSCH IN FRONT OF THE QUEEN OF SPARKA! HOW DARE YOU! THIS WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO MY FATHER!"

He was quivering in rage and I felt even myself quivering in fear but Alaedia simply shrugged. "Sorry, Aideala took over for a moment."

"Aideala?" I squeaked.

"My twin-the pretty and evil one," said Alaedia.

"She's lying to you. There is only her. This will not go unnoticed," growled Cress. He muttered something under his breath and two men appeared.

"Yes sir," saluted the men.

"Take away her newt," ordered Cress.

Alaedia shrieked and her non-scarred side of her face paled dramatically." No! Don't! I'm sorry! Please don't take Twiggy away! I'm sorry! I'll scrub the toilets for years just don't take him away!"

"If you say so," said Cress slyly, "a year it is."

Alaedia turned red and started shrieking profanities at him but he shrugged and led me back down the winding stone stairway, Alaedia's voice echoing down with us.


Is it good?

I hope you guys still love me <3 coz I luv you guys *chu chu

This is as I prepare to sleep at 10 o clock so ;)






And Promote!!!!!!




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2012 ⏰

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