Chapter 7

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Sam's POV

I woke up in a warm white fluffy bed, like the ones you see in those fancy commercials. And the smell of Bacon? I flew outta bed and followed the scent of bacon. I ran across a ling hallway down some stairs and into a large kitchen with the boys in it and Sarah cooking. Grreeaat. Harry was hovering over her stealing peices off the napkin and throwing them to the other boys

Sarah; harry, I swear to god if you don't stop this spatchula will leave a hot burning mark right there on your "money making" face.

He laughs and kisses her cheek and walks to the living room and flips on Disney.

Niall comes walking out rubbing his eyes. He was wearing red boxers and nothing else. Ooh the perfect veiw. He comes over and pecks my lips and walks over to grab a peice of bacon, to his surprise sarah slaps his hands away

Niall; next time you guys want your bags brought in again dont look at md. I freaking carried you into the house last night while lugging in all your bags.

Sarah; ooh in that case have the rest!

He smiles and takes the plate.

Harry; WHAT!

Sarah; mister, he carried me in! Lazy curly lad. You got muscles. Use em for something importants like maybe carrying me inside!

Harry; i'm sorry! louis carried me in!

Sarah rolled her eyes and walks upstairs into her room with Harry following her. The rest of the boys went back to sleep leaving me alone watching reruns of "Wizard's of Waverly Place" for an hour. Finally Niall walks in and pulls me onto his lap and plays with my hair.

Niall ; wanna go get something to eat?(:

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