Chap 58

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Chapter fifty-eight

Margeux's POV

She couldn't help the tear that rolled down her cheek as Zayn looked around with realization of what he just did.

He kissed her on the cheek in front of all these people, all his fans.

What was going to happen now?

"Let's go in," he said as he turned to one of the security guards. "Can you escort us in?"

The man nodded over the screams which escalated as he along with a few other guards worked to make a clear path for them.

Zayn looked at her briefly before he led the way behind one of the guards who escorted them back into the plaza.

Margeux followed behind and looked down to avoid the hostile stares she was receiving from some people in the crowd.

"You whore!"

"Home wrecker!"

"Go back to Texas you boyfriend stealing slut!"

Those were only the few comments she heard as they were ushered into the plaza by security.

Thankfully they faded as they neared the elevator and stepped inside.

Zayn pressed the floor button and let out a sigh as they doors closed in front of them.

The security guard stood between the two of them, and for that she was grateful.

Why did he do that? What was he thinking?

The rest of the ride was silent, and for that she was thankful.

There was a ding and it stopped moving before the doors opened up. Zayn stepped out and Margeux followed behind him.

"We will be downstairs if you need us," the man said before the doors closed once more.

Zayn nodded and continued to walk down the hall. She wondered where he was going since he was reaching the end.

They approached the exit door to the stairway and he opened it and held it for her.

"Where are we-"

"Can you just come on?" he asked gently and without thinking she nodded.


She walked by him into the stairway and watched as he closed the door behind him.

Then he took a seat on one of the steps and let his face fall into his hands.

Margeux stood with her arms crossed as she eyed him carefully, anticipating his next move.

It was awkwardly silent and she moved side to side to try to ease herself but that didn't do anything.

She took a nervous gulp and leaned back against the wall. "What's going on?"

Slowly he raised his head and looked to her observantly which made her stomach flutter.

"I'm sorry," she apologized before he could answer her. "I'm sorry I just...I'm just a little confused right now."

"And I don't blame you," he sighed as he sat up straight. "There's a lot going on for you."

"Yeah but..." her voice trailed off as she looked to the concrete floor. She really wanted to ask him what was that he did outside in front of all those people, but she didn't want to push it.

"This is all my fault," he muttered as he shook his head. "I shouldn't have done this."

"Shouldn't have done what?"

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