A Freak.....(1)

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Chapter 1: Dream Catcher

Everyone dreams.....about anything....everything. I dream about seeing my dads face again. I dream about running among the vampires if they were real. I know they dont exist but I can dream can't I? I dream of having a vampire boyfriend. Like Edward and Bella, except If they are out there he would have to be fun loving and sexy like Jacob Black and Protective like Edward Cullen. My name is Melinda O' Conner. I'm 16 years old. My father died in a grocery store when I was 10. I cried myself to sleep every night until now. I dream of him now thinking of him whenever I take a walk in the woods or walk across the lake. I dream that everything in this land is mine until that evil man shows up and tells me that im pretty. Everything I am is beautiful. He's been watching me ever since my dad got shot. I stopped going to the lake after what happened. I've never been the same and niether has my dreams. I dream of him carresing my face and climbing on top of me. No one heard me scream except my friends who wrote it all over the walls. I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! July 4th 2005 I was rapped by the lake and i've never been the same.


"Melinda!" My dream is slowly merrjing with reality. I can still hear myself screaming while my sister is yelling at me to wake up. "Melinda get your ass up!" She throws a pillow at me until I let out a scream and wake up. "God i thought you'd never wake up! You were moaning again. Will you let the damn thing go. you were rapped so what no one cares because no one cared about you before!" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and gave her the finger. she scoffed at me and muttered under breath 3 cuss words. I really could care less. I slide out of bed and grab the mirror of the wall. I look terrible. My dirty blonde hair is tangled and my dark eyes look meaningless. I take a shower and throw my clothes on and head down stairs for breakfast. "Melinda did you do my spanish homework?" "Sabes que...Tengo espanol tarea." "Um what?" "If I did your spanish homework it would be in your hand right?" "Right." "So no I didnt do your spanish homework and you know what I'm not gonna." I Smiled and snatched the granny smith apple out of her hands. I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Today I wont let anyone get to me not even my sister...

A freak with fangs *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now