Chapter 18

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“Alex…… I’m pregnant” she said looking up into his eyes, he froze.

Chapter 18

She looked up at him tears welling up in her eyes, ’oh no what if he’s mad’ she thought. Alex grabbed her and lifted her up in the air,

“Open your eyes” he said his voice firm, she slowly opened her eyes and blinked away her tears, “Rebecca you have made me the happiest man in the world, I love you so much and if its possible I think I love you even more now” he said love, adoration and happiness heavy in his voice, his eyes sincere and he grazed at her.

Rebecca looked at him and relief and love flowed though her,

“Thank-you Alex, thank-you so much” she said as he held her tight and kissed her all over. Laying her down on the bed he pulled the covers over them and wrapped his hands gently around her waist and held her close,

“Never think I would ever be mad or disappointed in you Rebecca, never” he said his voice serious,

“I was so scared Alex, I was so, so scared” she said her voice quite. Pain seared though him his mate thought he was cruel and uncaring, which hurt. Rebecca turned around, feeling his pain,

“I’m sorry Alex” she said “I was wrong not to trust you”, she kissed him gently and all was forgiven.

Next morning

Waking up she stretched, pulling herself out straight and arching her back, sitting up she put her hands on her ever prominent belly,

“Good morning sweetie” she said rubbing her belly, she felt a tiny bump hit her hand, she gasped,

“Alex, Alex it kicked” she said excitement in her voice. Alex sat up and a huge grin grew on his face, he gently put his hand on her stomach, nothing happed,

“Talk to it Alex” she said softly,

“hello baby, are you ok in there” he said softly, he felt a kick, just as strong as the last on, Alex’s face turned shocked, and Rebecca giggled,

“It likes your voice” she said kissing him gently,

“It’s amazing” Alex said in astonishment, “it’s so tiny, he’s going to be a strong Alpha” he said pride in his voice,

“He?” Rebecca said arching her eyebrow, “its going to be a beautiful baby girl” she said rubbing her belly, it kicked again,

“It’s so gunna be a boy” Alex said, Rebecca rolled her eyes,

“I’m going to go shower, training starts in an hour” she said walking out the room,

“You can’t train Rebecca, your pregnant” Alex yelled after her, she just shook her head and got in the shower.


Forty five minutes later she was ready and dressed in jeans and a baggy shirt, she would tell her pack about the pregnancy tomorrow at the pack meeting, but until then only Alex and Sharon knew.

Alex held her hand as she walked down the stairs; Rebecca rolled her eyes ‘he better not go all protective’ she thought.

Walking out into the meadow she saw everyone was gathered around talking, she headed into the centre of the meadow,

“okay guys, because of the resent rouge attacks we are going to work on multi-attacks, first in out human form and then in out wolf form, can everybody get into groups of three, no mates in the same group, I understand nobody can fight their mate” she said, once everyone was in there groups she ended up in a group with Mike and Sapphire,

“Okay guys, let’s get started, two on one, lets go” she said and turned to face her group. Getting into her fighting stance she beckoned them towards her, when she was yanked out of the way and wrapped in Alex’s arms as he growled,

“Alex” she growled wriggling out of her arms she turned to face him,

“You can’t train Rebecca” he whispered “your pregnant” he said even quiter,

“Alex I’m pregnant not disabled” she said,

“No” he said stubbornly, still holding her tight against him, turning to were his and her group where standing,

“okay you guys work together three on one, we where going to do that after anyway, me and Alex are going to sort some, Alpha business” she said, grabbing Alex’s hand and pulling him inside.

When the got inside she dragged him into the empty living room,

“What the hell was that” she yelled, ‘wow I’m hormonal’ she thought,

“I’m sorry sweetie” he said holding her close “I can’t let you get hurt, especially now you’re pregnant” he said softly,

“I’m sorry Alex, I’m an awful mate” she said bursting into tears,

“Oh my god sweetie you’re the best mate in the world don’t cry” he said rubbing her back, “baby are you really sad or just hormonal??” he asked, she shot him a fake glare,

“Let’s go get some food” she said heading towards the kitchen. He followed her with a bewildered look on his face, ‘wow pregnant women are weird’ he thought,

“I heard that Alex, mind link remember” she yelled, not turning around. He chuckled and ran to catch her up,

“Sorry sweetie” he said kissing her gently. She rolled her eyes,

“Weird pregnant woman needs food” she said, Alex grabbed two bowls of pasta and they sat down eating. About half way though the bowl she looked up,

“Alex we should have a scan, to check the baby’s okay and stuff” she said thoughtfully, Alex nodded,

“Yes definitely, I’ll book one for tomorrow” he said placing his hand over hers, “I can’t wait” he said.

As they lay in each others arms that night, they talked for hours about the baby, everything from names to how they wanted to decorate the room.


okaii guys boy or girl, or both comment below :D:D you wont find out for a while but i really want to know what you want in this storyy :D XD

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