One Shot~Derek(for natalieandjackson)

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Your P.O.V.

As the movie started i snuggled up more into Derek's chest while he tightened his arms around me.I couldn't be more happier as the end of the movie approached,it was the most unrealistic thing i've ever seen.Blood wasn't supposed to spill that way when you cut someone's throat.And guy who played killer looked a lot more ridiculous that scary''Thank God''i sighed in relief as the credits rolled down the screen''Come on,it was scary''Derek said looking kinda shocked by my reaction''Come on!The chance of that happening is the same as me being able to lick my own elbow or sneeze without closing my eyes!''i exclaimed''Or being able to die of a broken heart''Derek added dramatically putting his hand over his heart''Actually you can die of a broken heart''i bluntly stated''What do you mean?''he confusedly asked raising his eyebrow''I mean like i said it,you can die from a broken heart.See,inside every human heart there are tendons or more familiar name heart strings.And sometimes they can break after a deep emotional trauma causing a heart to lose it's form an as a result the heart is unable to pump blood effectively.We often use the term a 'broken heart' to signify the pain of losing a loved one and the study shows that bereavement can have a direct effect on the health of the heart.There has been evidence from other previous studies that partner loss and grief can lead to changes in blood clotting, blood pressure and heart rate control.In addition,they have found, in another study, that in the first few months after bereavement, individuals may not consistently take their regular preventive medication, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs or aspirin.All of these factors can contribute to increased risks of cardiovascular events.It's also reported on a study suggesting that the death of a loved one in childhood affects adult mental health.''as i finished i looked at wide eyed Derek staring at me like i've suddenly grown two more heads''What?''i asked raising my hands to my shoulder level.''Nothing you're just really smart''he stated lightly staking his head''How high is your IQ?Is it as high as mine. ''he asked"Do you have an IQ higher than 170?"i asked him raising an eyebrow.

Derek's P.O.V.

"Do you have an IQ higher than 170?"she asked me raising an eyebrow.What?Woah my girl's a genius.''Is there something else i don't know about you?''i asked tickling her,she smiled and nodded''What?''she looked at me skeptically before answering''That is for me to know and for you to dot,dot,dot.....


Here it is.Hope you like it.And sorry for making you wait this long..:)

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