Chapter 9

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Jordan's P.O.V

"Let me see her" the man said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked.

"Why would I want to hurt my sister or her mate's pack?"

"How do you know that she's my mate!?" I roared.

"I've seen the way you look at her" he replied.

"How long have you been on my territory?" I continued my interrogation.

"One day and I've seen how you have reacted towards her and I must say please keep your hands off my baby sister!!" he growled.

I smiled at his anger "No".

"What's your name rogue?" I spat.

"It's Zander. Now I have been trying to find my sister for two years now please just let me join your pack so then I can keep an eye on her" he begged while keeping his cold act on.

I stood there still for a minute and hummed in concentration.

"Ok but on one condition" I spoke up.

"Ok what is it?" he asked smiling.

"Tell me about Abbey and her past and why she isn't like us" I said.

He gulped before breathing in deeply and looking me straight in the eye "Ok".

Abbey's P.O.V (Haha left you guys hanging)

I sat on a chair next to the window looking out at the forest while taking a sip of my tea. It was truly beautiful the forest. It was so peaceful yet it was filled with danger and secrets of unmentionable things like parties gone wrong, a spontaneousnight of love making or maybe even murder but who would know. I guess only the beasts that roam the forest.

A tear slipped out of my right eye and slid down the side of my face to rest right on my cheek. To be honest I was so alone and in desperate need of love and affection. Sure now that I've moved here Jordan has been nice but I'm completely all alone. My "Mother" can't stand to look at me and that's all the family I really have.

I stood up from my chair and made my way down the stairs and outside. I now stood right in front of where the forest starts and took a step closer, then another, then another until I stood still in the forest with no site of humanity.

I looked around and walked over to a huge tree and leant up against it and started humming a soft melody. I closed my eyes and stopped humming to take in my surroundings more. I could hear the soft sound of feet jumping around near me and the slight sound of the leaves moving in the trees but that was about it; it was quiet and peaceful.

Sometimes I wish the family and the friends that I had back in California didn't betray me and leave me all alone. They just abandoned me and left me alone in the streets like a stray cat. I couldn't understand how the people closest to my heart could just leave me the way they did and then treat me like rubbish. It made no sense to me.

I breathed out deeply while looking down at my ripped up converse, there was another loud breath that was released from in front of me, I was too scared to look and all I could do was pray that whatever or whoever wasn't going to kill me.

Jordan's P.O.V (You all must hate me now hahaha)

"So I'm sure you have found out about our mother dying and Julie not actually being Abbey's mum" Zander mumbled.

"Yes, yes I do" I replied.

"Ok well we used to live near here in our own little pack just me, my mum and my dad. Then when I became the age of 5 they said to me that I would have a baby sister soon and you have no idea how excited I was for that.

"My mum started getting stressed out later on during her pregnancy and started doing drug and you know how extremely dangerous that is? It is extremely dangerous! Anyway the pact doctor told her to stop because it was putting her and my sweet sister in danger but of course my mother was too far in to come out" Zander signed before beginning again.

"Two weeks before Abbey was due there were some problems that were going on with my mum and it made her go into labour quicker. I think it was her wolf trying to save her pup because if she didn't come out any sooner she would have been dead along with my mum. It was so horrible watching my dad suffer the way he did. Finally Abbey came and my dad was so happy just so, so happy.

"He held her so close for as long as he could but then the pack doctor needed to check to make sure everything was alright to her because of the early birth. So about an hour goes past and the doctor walks in with my tiny baby sister and hands her to my dad and gives him a sympathetic smile and says because of what our mother was taking she may never be able to shift into her wolf" Zander stopped talking and looked down at his hands.

"My dad was so angry" he whispered.

"He was ashamed that his mate would do such a thing to their pup. When he looked at her he had so much fury in his eyes. I just remember staring up at him and being scared for
Abbey just in case he did something to her but then his eyes became sad and empty. I didn't understand at first until I looked at my lifeless mum lying on the bed, she had died giving birth and no one had even noticed" he said angrily.

"Moving more into the future it became more and harder for us to keep our secret a secret. I didn't understand why we had to but my father said that we did because he doesn't want his baby girl to be scared of him. When Abbey turned 14 we moved to California to help keep it a secret which to be honest was a stupid move because there is no space for our wolves to come out and because of this my dad ended up going crazy and made me leave with him and leave Abbey in the hands of friends".

"I don't know how she ended up with Julie or how she got here but when I saw that she was living with her it made me become aware of just how much danger she is in".

"Alpha Summers if we don't get Julie back to her mate she is going to end up going crazy without him and might inflict danger to someone of this town, to your pack, or to Abbey.

Abbey's P.O.V

I stood still against the tree and leant into it a bit more trying to get as far away from whatever was in front of me. I then heard more sounds of feet walking closer, I know knew that there were two unknown creatures standing in front of me. I let out a shaky breath and started moving more to the other side of the tree.

The creature let out a quiet, low growl that made me stand still and at attention. I knew what were in front of me. I can't even explain the fear I'm going through right now as I looked up at the two gigantic wolves.

A/N: I hope everyne enjoyed that!!!! please share this and Vote and comment because it makes me soooooooo happy when you do :)


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