Chapter Ten : The Truth

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                It only takes a moment before I realize that I’m alone here, in Grandma’s house. It reminds me of the movie Monster House where the house is alive, eating anything that lands on its lawn, when no one is around. There’s a part in that movie where the house is sleeping and you can clearly feel that it’s alive. The floors keep creaking, the walls would sound as if it’s grunting every now and then, making me feel less comfortable to be here alone because I can imagine this house exactly like that.

                That’s how I’m feeling right now. I hate the suspense of not knowing what’ll happen next, if something scary will happen again or it’ll just keep me waiting.

                I wish that I didn’t send Liam away this soon. With his witty and irritating presence, I can easily ignore this feeling that something or someone is watching me. That any time now, those frightening chills again, would run through me like a volt, leaving my body electrified and my mind addled.

                I take the thought out of my head, thinking that if it ever runs through me again, I’ll be braver to face it. I won’t cry, or run or hide. But I’ll face it, just to get this over with.

                I’ve seen enough TV shows on Halloween Eve that I know it’s just not something with the weather that’s causing the cold. I’ve seen terrified people being scared by ghosts, appearing in front of them when they least expect it, simply scaring them with their appearances or just asking for help.

                What if those chills, those horrible, taunting chills, are caused by a ghost trapped in Grandma’s house, asking for help? From me?

                What if I’m its only chance of ever getting to heaven? What should I do if that’s the case? How can I help when I don’t even know what to do?

                I sigh, running my hand through my hair because of the thought. I take a few steps and stand at the foot of the stairs, hesitating, as I buckle up for another experience. I take one last breathe and step up, boldly forcing myself to think that nothing will happen.

                As usual, with every single step taken, it creaks but I ignore it, as if I’m used to it. I quickly step the last few steps and the next thing I know, I’m on my way to my room, relieved.

                I don’t close the door behind me because I just need my phone. It’s on the desk, beside my bed. I grab it, quickly turning around, then head to the door.

                I close it, feeling a ting of nervousness in my stomach again. I take a look at the screen and see one missed call. I click the link to the Caller’s List and see that in the Missed Call section, Sheena’s name is on top of the list. The time says she called ten minutes ago.

                I start going down the steps, thinking about what I’ll say to her when she calls me back. She can get a bit worried when I miss her calls. You know, best friends.

                No chill comes and I’m left to wonder why. I know I shouldn’t be but it makes me miss it. When the time I’m most expecting it, when I’m brave enough to finally face it, it cowards off and doesn’t come anymore.

                I head to the living room, typing in the message box Sorry if I missd. U can call now, before I push the send button. I sit on the couch, raising my knees to my chest, and reach for the remote that’s resting on the coffee table. I place my phone on top of it, ready to grab it first thing when she calls.

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