Chapter 36

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As Akira stared at Redemption, relief flooded through her. Her eyes flickered over him, widening when they drifted to his neck. The armor around the end of it was crushed. Puncture wounds went right through it. Blood oozed out of them, adding to the blood that already caked her dragon's neck and shoulder. She also noticed that he had his front right leg lifted slightly off the ground, spreading his weight across the other three. The armor from his legs was also completely gone, having been ripped off from the impact of the fall.

"Why?" Haiden spat from where he sat. His face was scrunched up in with rage as he glared from Akira to her dragon.

Akira turned to look at him, seeming to only remember his presence then.

"Why won't you die?"

Redemption limped over and came to stand beside Akira. He took a protective stance, eyes on the enemy ahead.

Akira tensed, watching as the black dragon's rider clenched his fists. They burst into flames. Yet, then he cocked his head, as though listening to something. Moments later, the flames on his fists extinguished and a smile spread across his face.

"What a good idea," Haiden said as he shot a look at his dragon.

Akira tensed, waiting for an attack. She blinked in surprise when instead her opponent swung his leg over his saddle and jumped from Fury's back. He beckoned to Akira tauntingly. Then, he turned away and walked towards a rocky outcrop which lay just some distance behind Fury.

Akira watched in disbelief. Is he running away?

He is challenging you to a duel, Redemption told her, rider against rider.

Akira looked at Fury. The black dragon was watching her, his tail swishing back and forth as his lips pulled back to show his teeth. A growl rumbled in his throat, yet, he made no move to attack.

Go, Redemption told her, his eyes glued to the black dragon.

"What?" Akira turned to stare at her dragon.

Follow him.

And leave you here alone to face him? Akira thought as she looked skeptically at Fury. She knew that of the two dragon's Redemption was the worse off. His injuries were not to be taken lightly.

I'm not just any dragon, Kiddo, I'm the Dragon of Legend, Redemption huffed. Besides, if you were able to fight while blind, I think I can manage this.


Do you trust me? Redemption cut her off.

Akira turned to stare in the direction her advisory had disappeared in. "Yes," she whispered.

Then go. I'll be fine. I'll take on Fury, you go finish his master, Redemption told her.

Akira wanted to protest her dragon's words, yet she knew that he was right. I guess in the end we won't be fighting together. She lifted a hand and placed it on her dragon's neck. "You need a bath," she whispered.

Redemption snorted.

Tears pricked her eyes as Akira removed her hand. "And don't you dare think of dying on me," she added.

The thought never crossed my mind, was Redemption's reply, his eyes still glued on Fury.

Akira turned. She took a few tentative steps in the direction Haiden had gone to. When Fury did nothing to stop her, she increased her pace. She walked past the black dragon without incident.

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