Rebel Love Song - Chapter 3 - I Should Go

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“Jinxx you are a genius!”

Chapter 3;

“Lynn! Wake up!” CC yelled, he was currently bouncing up and down outside her bunk (They’re sleeping on the tour bus they haven’t left for tour yet), feeling very hyper, Andy really shouldn’t have given him 3 tins of Monster. “No! Go. Away. CC!” Lynn stuck her foot out, trying to kick CC but it wasn’t for working out. CC smirked and grabbed her ankle, a muffled scream was heard from her bunk as CC dragged her out and put her on his shoulder, “SHE’S AWAKE!” he grinned and ran into the living quarter. “CHRISTIAN MORA! PUT ME DOWN!” Lynn regretted what she just said, as CC had flung her onto the couch causing her to land face first on Ashley’s lap. “Wahhey! Someone’s getting kinky!” He yelled and smirked, Lynn pushed herself up quickly, her face crimson with embarrassment.

“You wish Purdy” she countered, he just chuckled and grinned. “Can we please move on from the almost vomit worthy fun they were about to have” Andy smirked and quickly dodged a pillow thrown by Lynn, “That was so worth it” he grinned and crossed his legs, which was pretty hard considering Jinxx and Jake were on either side of him, they yelled as his gazelle legs were finally tucked up under Andy.  “We seriously wish you were shorter dude. Those freaking gazelle legs hurt” Jake pouted, causing the group to laugh. “Moving on!” CC shouted and turned to Lynn, a bright smile on his face, “The group and I were chatting last night and we were wondering...considering that you are going on tour with us in a few months why not get some firsthand experience. We want you to come on tour with us starting from tomorrow” CC grinned, looking at Lynn hopefully.

She didn’t know what to say, after the past few days she thought she was being...a downer on their party. Ashlynn didn’t know what to say, they were all so caring and thoughtful. “You want me to come on tour? After everything that’s happened I thought I would be a burden to you by now” she looked sheepishly, Ashley wrapped an arm around her comfortingly, earning a glare from CC. “You’ll never be a burden to us Lynn. You’re freaking awesome. Don’t forget that” he smiled and rested his head against hers, sharing a moment with her. “Are you sure though? I’ll get pretty annoying some days. CC knows what I’m like” she smiled softly and looked up at her best friend, he just sniggered. “Don’t worry Lynn. We can be annoying together! Andy loves us. He gave me 3 tins of Monster this morning” he grinned and gave Andy the thumbs up. Jake and Jinxx turned to glare at Andy. “That’s why he’s been extra hyper today. Dude, you’re gonna get it” They shook their heads and smirked. Andy ran out of the room screaming, “DON’T HURT ME. I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!”

Lynn just laughed and smiled at the remaining members of the band, “Sure. I’ll come on tour with you”. The group cheered and pulled her into a bear hug. Ashlynn couldn’t help admit that being here with the guys was helping her cope, it would be a long journey but she knew she would get through it with their help.

A few minutes later, the band had travelled to Lynn’s house to help her pack and now they were sitting off on a journey. CC was in his bunk, having a time out because he needed to calm down, Jake was keeping guard at his curtain and every time he poked his head out, that would earn a gently tap on the head.  Ashley was playing his bass in the back room, Andy was playing a Batman game on the TV and Jinxx was skyping with Sammi. Lynn was on her laptop in a private room on the bus; Andy said it was called the ‘sound proof’ room because when you’re in there, no one can hear a single thing. So, after getting settled Lynn had retreated to the room and shut the door (Or so she thought), her laptop was open and she had microphone on front of her to use for her recording.

She hit play on the laptop so the music started to play loudly; she also pressed record and smiled. She hadn’t sung in a long time, and it made her feel better, after a hard day or after something bad had happened to her. Carter had got her into singing, without him she wouldn’t have a band or going on tour with Black Veil Brides. What she didn’t notice that the door was still open, she hadn’t shut it properly and now it was lying slightly ajar. The guys paused what they were doing as they heard music, CC smirked, he knew that Lynn was going to sing so he crept to the door and sat outside, being silent as he did so.

Rebel Love Song - [Ashley Purdy,Christian Coma and Ashlynn Triangle]Where stories live. Discover now