Chapter 25: Drunkenness and Visions

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Link's POV

I sat on my small bed, my many laptops surrounding me as I sat on my bright red bed quilt. I heard a faint buzzing noise somewhere to my left, my phone must be ringing.

I searched through the blankets and finally grabbed my phone, pressing 'answer' I held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"L-ink…*hic*" I heard from the other end of the line. It was Matt.

"Matt? What is it?" I asked him.

"Can-n you *hic* pick me.... u-p-p please," he slurred.

Oh gosh, he's gone and gotten himself drunk.

"Just coming, where are you?" 

"That...  place-eee do-own *hic* the roaaaaaad" He mumbled.

"Okay, I'll be right there, stay where you are"

I pressed the 'end' button and got up. Grabbing my keys I left our apartment and headed down the street. I skipped towards where Matt had said he was playing the Star Wars Theme on my kazoo!!

I reached the place where Matt had told me, it was the only pub on our street, and I saw Matt slumped outside it.

"LINK DARLING!!!" He called when he saw me coming towards him.

I ran over and helped him gain his feet. Matt slung an arm around me for support as he wobbled from side to side.

He was completely wasted. 

"C'mon lets get you home." I said softly.

"I feel i-icky"

"I'm sure you do, here let me help you. You're such a silly pelican, pelican aren't supposed to be drinking alcohol!"

I led Matt back to the apartment and ushered him to the bathroom. 

He threw up the contents of his stomach into the toilet, I held him steady and led him to the couch. Where he flopped down in front of the television.

I walked through to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, then I handed it to Matt.

"I m-miss Melloooo *hic*, Link. Mello haaaas girly *hic* hair hahaha like a magic fairy."

Matt took the glass and spilled it all down himself in a drunken attempt to drink it.

I took the glass from him and was about to get another when he grabbed my wrist, pulling me down to sit next to him. Forcing me to stay in place.

"I like cookieeeees, so do the fairies. They are flying *hic* behind you, they want cookies. Give them some c-cookies Link."

 NOTE TO SELF: Don't let Matt have alcohol again, no wait actually let him have it, he's funny when he's drunk!

"NO! MY COOKIES!!! MINEEEEEEE >:D, I'll be right back Matty." I ran through to my room and grabbed my recorder, I was so using this! >:D

When I got back I found Matt trying to crawl under the couch, apparently he was utterly convinced that Mello and Blaze were under there.


"Yes they are!! I need to find them, they are hiding!! Where's my tiara?!!!" Matt said as he latched onto my leg.

"Your tiara?" I questioned. Since when did Matt have a tiara....

"Link do you think I'd be a pretty princess?!" Matt asked, as he let go of my leg and stood up.

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