Chapter 21

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My eyes landed on Rachel who was carrying two bags of groceries in her arms. 

"Well what a coincidence! We just live across each other!" Rachel sighed happily, her green eyes getting more greener.

"Yeah it is. Um, Rachel this is my um, finacee, Chad. Chad this is Rachel, I met her while we were in the mall a while ago," I explained.

"Ah, so she must be the one whom you were talking to while we were in McDonalds, right?" Chad asked.

I nodded.

"Hi Rachel,"

"Nice to see you Chad, why don't you two join us for dinner?" Rachel offered. I stood there motionless expecting Chad to come up with an answer but he was the same with me. I looked at him and saw him looking at me also. For a second we look like complete absent minded idiots who didn't know how to spek. So I clutched my stomach as if to look like I'm full (which I am).

"No thanks were both full, we just ate at McDonalds," I declined.

"Oh I see, how 'bout dinner with us tomorrow?" Rachel offered again. I had a feeling that if we decline again we'd be giving a bad impression. So I had no choice.

"Okay that sounds great!" I smiled at Rachel.

"Okay, well I have to go in. Can't wait for tomorrow!" she gushed excitedly and opened the door to her apartment. 

"She seems nice," Chad commented as Rachel got in her apartment.

"Yeah she is. It's a good thing she invited us for dinner tomorrow. I honestly don't know how to cook," I sighed.

"It's a good thing I can," Chad chuckled as he picked up the keys from the floor and inserted it in the door knob.

"You can? How come you never told me?" I asked him in surprise.

"I guess it can never came up. Are you sure you're not hungry?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm full. Fastfood makes me full directly," I said.

"Well I'll be going to the kichen and arrange the food we bought," Chad said as he gathered two shopping bags and headed to the kitchen. 

"Okay, and I'll be arranging our bathroom needs," I told him. Which meant, the shampoos, conditioners, body soap and other toiletries. 

After thirty minutes of arranging countless of beauty products, I decided to wash up and head to bed. Of course the thought of me and Chad in the same bed was a bit oh I don't know a bit romantically weir and awkward. I mean I knew he promised he won't do anything unless...I'm ready. Oh quit it Britney! You love him and he loves you that's all that matters and he promised. Hugging while sleeping would be okay...unless he was shirtless. Ugh! Why am I thinking these things. Admit it Chad looks hot while shirtless, my not so innocent self told me. I decided to shake my thoughts about Chad being shirtless while sleeping and washed myself. The hot water ran down my body as I closed my eyes and started applying shampoo in my hair.

"You're already sleepy?" Chad asked in amazement as he saw me cover myself up in the huge comforter.

"Yup, aren't you?" I asked, it's 9pm why wouldn't he feel sleepy.

", not yet but since I've got nothing left to do, I might as well sleep," he shrugged.

"Shirtless?" and after that one word I was ready to die of embarassment. What the hell did I say? Why did that word slip out of my mouth?! Chad grinned mischievoulsy and wagged his eyebrow.

"Do you want me to sleep shirtless?" he grinned. I looked away in order for him to not see my beet-red cheeks and crossed my arms in my chest.

"Oh, shut up," 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2012 ⏰

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