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Authors note: First off, How long has it been since I've update? To long! That's how long!! Second, book cover courtesy of @pinkpoly17. Sorry it's a bit blurry, we're working on that! 

Third, chapter dedicated to Yari!! Aka @Greisvimarynicole Because she kept me motivated to write!!

Yet another story I don't know where I'm going with. Enjoy!!

When I woke up I gathered my things and walked out of the house where I once lived; a simple two floored country home. 

"Don't miss me to much Dean" I whispered to myself . I knew he wanted to come with me but the road is no place for a 15 year old boy.

I popped the trunk and shoved in two duffel bags. I walked over to the passenger seat and gently laid my acoustic guitar down. Before getting in and driving off I took another look at the house I knew I'd miss terribly.

Right before the tears came I closed the door and started the car. I gripped the wheel and placed my forehead to it. Am I really doing the right thing? I looked up with watery eyes. Am I? ....I am...I said finally. I don't need to be in a place where I'm not wanted. 

"I guess you got your wish dad. I'm finally leaving, for good"

I closed the door of my white truck and drove. To where? only God knows.

I drove on the long highway, glancing out of the window every now and then to only see desert. Texas was never really a place of scenery. I sighed, I missed Dean, he was the only one I could relate to, the only I'd talk to when I had a bad day at work, at school...at home. He is my world, my brother. 

"He's a fighter, he'll be okay" I whispered to myself. But, would he really?

I know Dean is mom and dads favorite, but with me gone they would need someone else to take there frustration on. 

I started thinking to myself, like, really thinking to my self. Did I do the right thing?

I drove for a bit before pulling into an empty gas station. I quickly got out and started pumping gas into my car.

"How much you putting in there boy?" A tall old man asked as he walked towards me. He wore a white tank top and long pants. Typical country wear for a man like him.

"Twenty regular" I replied back to him.

"You look young to be far out here" He said looking at me from head to toe as he took the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I guess" I said as I took the pump out of the car and put it back.  

"Where ya headed?"  

"Where ever life takes me" I said looking at him, and  handing him my money. "Oh, and a pack of cigarettes" I said turning to look back at him.  

"Son, how old are you"  

"I'm 17 sir"  

"A young boy like yourself shouldn't smoke" 

"I've been smoking since I was 15" 

"So, you're already hooked on the damn bastards, aren't ya?" 

"I guess I am" I said with a chuckle.  

He took my money and came back with my pack of cigarettes.  

"Thank you sir" I said heading back to my car. I once again got into the drivers seat and started my car and drove off. I was fifteen minutes on the road before getting that urge again. My hands got sweaty on the steering wheel and my body got weak.  

" I need a cig" I sighed to myself. I took one hand off the wheel and reached into my front pants pocket and took a cigarette out. I took a lighter out and lit my cigarette, taking a long drag of it.  I felt a smile creep along my lips. I stuck my hand out the opened window and flicked the ashes of my cigarette into the wind.  

"They're ashes in the wind; literally" I chuckled at my stupid statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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