Laced - Chapter 58 (Uncertain Decisions)

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Disclaimer: This was written over 10 years ago, and the author no longer agrees with many of the concepts found in this story. Some of the content will be cringey and/or problematic. Please remember this is entirely fictional and does not represent the author's beliefs.

Twitter: dazzleizzy

Copyright © 2012-2023


Abby's POV

That entire week after we came back, was the longest week of my entire life. I stayed in my room for the most of it, healing off my burns, sulking in my bed. I didn't know what to do with myself - I was dying of boredom, and the only thing that consumed my thoughts was Sebastian.

You really don't ever realize what you're missing, until it was set right in front of your eyes, and then taken away.

I had gotten over the fact that Sebastian had left a long, long time ago. Maybe a year after he left, so almost five years ago. I just got used to it. I almost convinced myself that he was dead, that he never made it far, and I pushed myself to continue with my life.

And then, he was there. Zayn had bumped into someone, gone off on whoever it was, and I turned around to see what was going on.

Except that someone wasn't just someone, it was my brother. My older brother, Sebastian.

And no matter what hard feelings I had against him, he was still my brother, and I'd always forgive him. Even if I said I wouldn't, I would. I knew myself, and there was no point in denying it.

I can barely remember what happened after that, because it's a blur now. A fucked up, crazy, heart-racing, blurred memory. It all happened so quick. But what I do remember is that Zayn had pulled a gun out of no where, and then aimed it. At my brother.

It was so fucked up, the entire thing. After that, I got in the car, fearing that Sebastian would get hurt, and then Sir got in and sped away. I never even got the chance to look back at Sebastian, to talk to him, to hug him and feel his familiar arms around me. Sebastian's always been close to me when we lived together, and I'd never forget that. It doesn't even matter that he left - all I could focus on now was the fact that he was near, he was alive, and he knew that I was okay.

Okay. I snort. I'm far from okay on the inside.

As I carefully stepped out of the tub full of hot water, I carefully examined my arms and legs. Blood rushes to my head - and I wish that I hadn't stood up so quickly because I am now dizzy. Most of the burns had healed, just like Liam said, except for the few areas where he explained to me that the bleach had burned to the second layer of my skin - those still were blistered.

I grabbed the white towel from the counter, and wrapped it around myself.

As I allowed myself to dry, I ran a towel through my hair and then brushed it into a ponytail. I felt a bit dizzy, but I ignored it. My thoughts continued to wander - this time to Master Zayn.

We hadn't talked at all, for the entire five days. Nothing at all. He only came back once after he brought me to my bed, a few hours later, looking drained and worn out.


"Did you do that on purpose?" He asked, walking up to my bedside.

I hadn't made any efforts to move from my bed since Zayn had brought me here three hours earlier. I just lay in my bed, consumed by my own thoughts.

I don't answer, first, because I have no clue what the fuck he was talking about, and second, because I did not want to talk to him.

"Abigail. Tell me. Did you do that on purpose?"

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