Ch. 16 ~Sucka For Love

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Mona POV

A loud noise woke me up as I jump up holding my chest. My eyes hurt because I had cried myself to sleep. Mr. Durand had made himself perfectly clear that there wouldn't be any fraternizing on the job. My eyes felt heavy as I tried to open them. The red numbers on the clock smeared and I put my head closer. Damn it! It was four in the morning. I heard the loud banging noise again.

I got up and the room was pitch black. There was no moonlight as the clouds mixed into the sky. I got out of bed but I fumbled and fell on my hands. The knock got louder. I finally made my way out the bedroom sliding my hand down the wall to find the light switch.

"Open this door Mona," I heard from behind the door. I swallowed hard because my nightmare was becoming a reality.

I unlocked the door and before I could open it all the way, two strong hands grabbed me and pulled me in an embrace.

"He threatened you didn't he? He told you he would fire you if you and I got together, didn't he?"

All I could do was shake my head yes.

"I knew it! Come here baby."

"Maybe he's right Ian, we can't possibly think this will work."

"Don't let him put doubts in your mind. You love me and I love you."

"Ian if we can't show affection to one another how is this going to work?"

"We will find away. He only has thirty days left and after that, he will be out the picture."

"Do you really think we can do this?"

"I know we can," he said lifting my face up and kissing my eyelids.

"I never want to see you cry. You're too beautiful to cry," he said moving from my cheek and then my neck. I couldn't help but moan as he went straight to my spot. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he lifted me up. I couldn't control the hunger that I felt for him. He made me weak. He made me want to be soft. If we wanted this to work we had to be carefully.

"I want to make love to you," he said in between breaths.

"First door on the left." He walked me down there and I knew it was going to be a good night.

First Day


I woke up with Mona in my arms. It felt so right being with her. I hadn't had feelings for anyone other than Zara years ago. When I met her she was still a graduate student studying economics. She was smart, sexy and beautiful. We had a connection and after she died I didn't think I would have found it again.

I rolled out of bed and stretched. Today would be the first day Mona and I would be working together. We had a few hours before we had to work so I figured I would let her rest. We had been almost nonstop the past two days since the ball. I had worked my way in here hours after the ball because I got worried when she didn't show up to my room.

Yesterday and the day before we explored New Orleans taking sightseeing tours and taking a carriage ride downtown and experiencing the unique culture of the Big Easy. We laughed and held hands and just enjoyed being around one another.

I had brought over a small bag since she lived closer to the office. After today I would be making an appointment with a realtor for a permanent place to stay. I was hoping Mona would move in, but I didn't want to rush her.

I walked in her bathroom. For someone who was tough at work and around males all day she was girly at home. Perfumes and lotions lined the sink in neat and perfect order. Nail polishes and makeup lined the other side. I couldn't help but laugh. I turned to the shower and took off my clothes.

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