Wishing - Prologue

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I Haven't Even Had My First Kiss Yet.

Wishing - Prologue

"Look at him, he's just sitting there with that bored expression. For now that is..." My best friend, Lia, murmurs right beside me, looking downwardly as though she expects him to be doing something he's not supposed to.

"Mhmm" is all that comes out from me. At the time we are just looking at Dave Hutcherson- the most popular boy in our school. All the girls are always after him, like he's some piece of meat or something. It's really annoying when you actually have to sit there and watch. For me, he's not at all that interesting. I look at him closely, sure he's good-looking and all, but I just don't go that gaga about the looks and appearances.

They're not the key points you look for when you meet someone you might like, at least I don't. I pay more attention to their personality, their way of being, their way of just connecting with you. I feel that if you know more about the person, if you just dig a little deeper and even confide in that person, the more likely you'll end up being with that person. You can't just stare at that person all day long and say "Oh, I'm in love with you!" All cheer-like. It's something that builds, something you need to work for, and actually put effort in.

My eyes wander off to the classroom window, observing the sky and all. I really wish I could meet someone like that soon, a special someone just for me. I've never even had one. I close my eyes for a bit, wishing whole-heartedly.

At that time, I didn't know that someone had witnessed me. I didn't realize that someone would indeed take an interest in me. I had no idea my wish would indeed make itself a reality.

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