Disk 6: "...so it's all teen angst and rebellion".

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Now this is a case that you should all be familiar with, why it only occurred a couple of weeks ago. This is the turning point in the whole case and is the sole reason that we are here today. You must now have realised that another child is taken. They do not posses any quality that makes them more, or less, important than the other children. They are infamous because they represent a mistake. Allow me to elaborate.

Have you taken a look at our surroundings, audience? Much comfier than usual, are they not? It rather detracts from the iron beds and musky air that we have become so used to. Nice cushy chair, alcove in the wall with a candles and a couple of pillows, Mac Book on the table. I think it's easy for us to assume that this is the haven of a rich child. We can divulge that it's a girl's room, with the dark purple colour theme and the absence of any undergarments on the floor. However, this case isn't about the girl, but instead her brother. 

He'll be inside, in a minute. While I was trying to find an appropriate moment to film I caught a bit of their petty argument. It seems she "grassed" on him to their parents about him "hanging" with some estate children. I formerly thought he was inflicting some form of torture on them, but it seems they were just enjoying each other’s company. It's something rather minor if you ask me, but his parents probably thought he would be corrupted or taken advantage of. Take that as you wish.

Here he is: The man of the moment, James Lanter.

Oh, how I wish I could see how many people gasped when they heard me say that name. I'm guessing at least five or six. If there are any older women out there, then they probably gasped too. 

Typical. Your country has so many missing children. Children running away from home before they are even 16, but they don't make the news. They'll just be at the back of a newspaper, near the adverts. However, if it's a rich child then it's a whole different story. For those of you who don't know and are oblivious to local affairs, I don't know whether to commend or berate you for that, James was deemed missing only two weeks ago. His parents, being high in social standing alerted the papers at once. So, we have just endured two weeks of emotional broadcasts, but you lucky souls will be able to see it for your very own eyes.

How fun.

James’ eyes dart across the room as he surveys the room, obviously not supposed to be here. He silently moves towards the mahogany chest of draws and pauses before pulling the third drawer out. It is evident that he has done this before. His fingers grope at the underside of the drawer, searching for something. He swears under his breath as his hand comes out, empty.

Did you hear that? There is a creak of a door being closed and James’ head jerks up immediately. His body posture tenses as if ready to pounce, eyes wide. Yet, we can hear no more conceivable movement. James rakes his hair with his fingers, back into the beanie that his parents despise so much. But, to be perfectly frank, that is not the only thing that they have issues with. Apparently, his new ripped jeans and New Era cap collection was ‘inflicting a social slur upon the family name’. Yet, he didn’t care. He is at the age of sixteen, so it’s all ‘teen angst’ and rebellion. James however, sees his ‘family name’ to be a disadvantage. One cannot simply invite his “crew” to come and “hang” down at Wellston House. It’s far too posh. James wondered why he couldn’t just live in the North, with all the estate kids, rather than in the more affluent part of Chelsea. 

So, James turns towards the metal framed bed looks underneath. He's probably smiling to himself right now, as he sees the familiar black diary, and tries to pull it out from under the rungs. His sole concentration is on pulling the books out, without scratching or indenting the cover at all. If he is to have his revenge, then it needs to be untraceable. 

Did you catch that?

His sole concentration.

He doesn’t her the soft padding of feet, or the little giggles. He doesn’t hear the quite brushing of cotton as someone makes their way towards them. But there’s something he does hear.

“BOO!” screams a voice.

James jerks his head up in fright, forgetting that he was currently under a metal bed. His head connects with a bed panel and he slumps back to the floor.

The voice belongs to James’ little sister, Viola. She shakes his leg, but no response. She shakes the leg harder and harder, her mouth forming into a pout and tears splashing down her cheeks.

“Please don’t be dead, don’t be dead, and don’t be dead” she chants under her breath, as if it would somehow make the situation any better. After exactly thirty seconds of continual shaking, she bursts into tears and rushes out of the room screaming for her parents.

We’re jumping about a minute later on, now. Sorry, but I really cannot stand the sound of children crying. It just irks me. You haven’t missed much, I’ve brought you forward enough just in time to hear something.

Do you hear it?

The metallic thrumming gets louder and louder. But that’s not want I want you to hear, we’ve become quite acquainted with the sound by now, so surely you recognise it. This is what I want you to hear...right now. There is a large crack, rather like that irritating noise that occurs when someone cracks their knuckles. That is exactly what happened, as you see the whiplash of James’ fist. James hit the attacker on the side of the face. Yet, see how his arm goes limp. He was knocked out.

So, you’ve all solved part of the mystery towards James’ disappearance. I’m going to unveil another part in a second, but first I want to show you the kidnapper’s mistake.

What one thing has every child that has been taken had in common? Well, not including William. Surely you must have noticed.

They all belonged to an orphanage.

Therein lays the mistake. Taking a child from an orphanage is no going to attract much interest. With such large amounts of children and people running away often, no one suspects anything out of the ordinary. However, when you take children from rich parents, then it’s a whole different story.

You slipped up, didn’t you Malcolm?


I said Malcolm.

You hadn’t done your research well enough. The residence that James Lanter lived in, was indeed once an orphanage, but the orphanage was reconstructed a decade ago. It’s currently a home for the upper-class. Upper-class people have money. Upper-class people have wealth. Upper-class people have connections.

But there is one thing they posses, most of all.

Upper-class people have voice.

My first charge towards Malcolm King is the kidnapping of James Ryan Lanter.


A:N/: Finally done! 

All the cases are out of the way and I can finally focus on the plot. The other chapters will be longer.

The next chapter will be a purely a court scene because I want you to see Malcolm's reaction. 

I hope you liked it.



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