15 - Back to school

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Hey guys………

Please don’t hate me because I haven’t uploaded in forever! But I’M BACK!



“I don’t want to go. Let’s just skip it okay?” I said.

“We have to go. You know what your dad said.” Damon told me as he snuggled me.

“I know I know. I just know everyone is going to be staring at me. Judging me or whatever.”

“You know I like attention.” Damon winked.

I groaned.

“I’ve picked out something sexy for you. Just to show you off.” Damon laughed. “Now go put it on and we’re leaving in twenty minutes babe.”

I walked into the bedroom and saw the outfit that Damon had laid out for me. Extremely tight blue jeans, a black tank top that came just above my belly button and it came down quite low.

I laughed.

It was indeed sexy and casual. I might as well wear it, I mean I have to look good for people to think that I am good enough for Damon. Right?

It took a good five minutes to get those jeans on. I admit my arse looked great and I slipped on the top. I left my hair natural and just added some light make up.

I decided my hair needed a little hairspray to make it look a little more wild and messy. I boofed it up and was ready to go.

I opened the door and skipped down the stairs.

“Well someone’s happy to get to school.” Stefan said behind.

I turned around smiling.

“Happy? I’m extremely nervous, but I have Damon there for me.” I replied.

“I am happy for both of you. I want you to know that.” Stefan smiled.

I hugged him.

“Now lets get to school! Oh by the way, you’re my new bestie.”

We both laughed.

“Should I know something?” Damon came around the corner.

He was joking.

“You will never.” I winked.

“Come on guys.” Damon led the way to the car.

It was a short drive to school. I would have rather that it was a long, long drive.

I haven’t spoken to my brother since the fight. I missed a week of school. Now it was time to get back. No need to mess around anymore.

As soon as we pulled into the car park everyone was looking. Staring. Gaping. All the same thing.

We parked in the centre of the car park. Just great.

Damon got out and opened my door for me. Put his hand up to reach mine and help me out.

Now literally everyone was staring. Even the teachers. They must have thought that I ran away with the brothers. Well think again bitches, I’m back. I laughed to myself.

“Okay, I’ll be alright.” I said aloud, more to myself than anyone else though.

I immediately made eye contact with Jake.  He looked sad for a second but then it disappeared and he was judging me like everyone else.

Fine, if that’s how you want to play the game. I put my head up and began walking towards the building named school.

I smiled at Damon and he kissed me on the top of my head.

I had Stefan on the other side.

Once I made it into the building I let out a deep breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

“You okay?” Damon asked.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I faked a smile.

Damon shook his head.

“Look I got to go to the office to fix the time we have had off, but Stefan will take you to your locker considering you have class together.” Damon told me.

“I don’t need a baby sitter.” I replied.

“I want to.” Stefan smiled.

I hugged and gave Damon a quick kiss goodbye.

“How are you really doing?” Stefan asked once Damon had left.

“I don’t know. I don’t know why I feel so weird coming here. It’s only been a week.”

“You’ll be fine.”

We headed off to my locker.

Once I got to my locker I started pulling books out I would need.

“Look at her; she just jumps from one brother to the other.” A girl said to her friend as they were walking past.

“Just ignore them.” Stefan reassured me.

“I’m trying.” I replied. “Why am I so nervous!?”

“Look, we’ll stop by Damons locker and get something for you.”

I nodded.

Once we had finished at my locker we made our way to Damons.

“What is in his locker?” I asked.

“Just something that will help.”

We got there and Stefan span the dial and it clicked open.

He pulled out a silver flask.

“Stefan, no.” I told him.

“Look, if you just have a sip it will calm your nerves. Trust me.” He explained.

I nodded.

I looked around to make sure no one was watching and took a sip. Then another sip.

I made a face at the taste and Damon laughed at me.

Okay I did feel a bit better, a bit more confident anyway.

Then the bell rang.

“Shit, we’re going to be late!” I yelled.

“It’s alright, let’s just go now.”

We sped walked to the class and barged in. Everyone looked up at us.

“You’re late. At least you two bothered this time I suppose.” Mr Tutson said.

The class giggled. Including Jake. Ouch.

“Oh I know, I only just squished in into my schedule.” I smirked.

A couple of people laughed.

“Sit down, both of you.” He told us.

There were only two seats left. They were up the back. It didn’t bother me though.

We headed towards them. I was only a couple seats away from Jake though. He had some bimbo in my seat.

The bimbo looked over at me and then whispered something to Jake. They laughed.

Wow this is going to be an interesting class.

I then opened my mouth to say something to Jake and his bimbo.


So, what do you think?! I know it’s be extremely long. You might even have to go back a couple chapters to remember what happened. But I’m finally back on wattpad! YAY!

Comment your thoughts on this chapter, fan if you’re new and vote if  you want the next chapter to come quicker!

Thanks guys.

Just don't hurt me (Damon Salvatore love story)Where stories live. Discover now