The Dragon Tamers [18]

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I jolted awake and sat straight up in bed. 

What time was it? Oh goodness, I've slept in, and now nothing ready for the rally. 

In a panic I dashed out of bed, slipped on last nights clothes and landed face first into the plush carpet by the door. Tingles ran up my nose as it connected with the hard floor and my eyes started watering. 

"Queen Feluna, Queen Feluna! Come quick, you'll be elated to se-" I heard Fenwir's voice and footsteps far too late as he swung the door open with a little too much enthusiasm, connecting with my skull.

A dull thud resonated through my ears and a sharp pain pierced my frontal bone. Looks like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Today is cancelled, everyone back to bed...

"Oh my goodness, I am so, so, SO, sorry Feluna." His formalities were forgotten as he patted me on the shoulder, unsure if he should roll me onto my back.

I couldn't manage more than a muffled "I'm kay."

He gingerly rolled me over, and pulled a face at what he saw. 

"What? Is it that bad?" I groaned and touched my face gently.

"Well, it could be worse." Fenwir sheepishly grinned, he was trying to prepare me. 

I could feel a large, hot lump in my hair where the door had attacked me. My face was wet from my eyes watering and upon inspecting my hand, my fears of makeup smeared down my cheeks was confirmed. 

"Is it... Is it broken?" My nose still hurt, I wasnt about to touch it. Fenwir leaned in close to get a better look, his face just inches from mine. Oh how I loved his colonge.

Our somewhat romantic moment was ruined when he peered up my nostrils.

"No blood, no disfigurement. Just a lot of snot." Well that explained the pressure in my sinuses, but really? Did the guy I'm crushing on hard have to look up my nostrils. I'm sure I was turning pink again.

He picked me up very slowly and very gently, slipping on hand under my legs and the other to support my back I became limp in his arms. Maybe it was a concussion, maybe it was the blood rush to my brain, maybe I enjoyed this moment a little too much. Fenwir was such a gentleman, laying me down on the soft matress and tucking me in with the soft blanket. 

"Don't worry, my Queen. I'll figure this rally thing out and get back to you tonight or tomorrow." I dont even remember the door clicking shut, I was already lost to sleep.

My grumbling stomach woke me up. The sun was setting, my room was bathed in orange and pink light. I started to sit up as the events of earlier came flooding back to me. Clutching my sore head with one hand, the other fumbled for a glass of water. Someone had put once cold water next to me, along with a plate of yummies. 

One empty plate and pitcher of water later, and I was ready for anything. Well, at least to get out of bed. My sore head threatened a dizzy spell if I moved too quickly. Instead I folded my legs on the bed and attemped a healing spell.

Unknown to most, I have a small affinity to magic. It's not unusual for Elves to have abilities, we just tend not to invest heavily in the teaching and development of it. We live around a magical tree and can talk to our Goddess, magic is not a farfetched thought to us. Instead, Elves treat magic as a gift to be used sparingly. I placed my open palm to the lump in my hair, my hand became cold and my scalp became warm for a few seconds as I focused. Through the spell I could feel the swelling in the lump dissapating, I could feel the small blood vessels mending and the tiny crack in my bone sewing itself shut.

The relief was instantaneous and not a moment too soon as a soft knock came at the door.

"I have good news Queen Feluna, can I come in?" Fenwir spoke softly into the door.

"Oh, I'm feeling much better, come in." I stayed on the bed, after peering up my nose, I'm sure he can handle me on a day I couldnt be bothered getting out of my night gown. I felt more and more comfortable with him each day, I felt like I didnt have to be an uptight Queen all the time when I'm with him.

The door opened, VERY slowly and I couldn't help but laugh at the gesture. 

"I didn't want to give you another concussion." He laughed it off, but he was a little serious too. I motioned for him to sit on the bed, there wasn't any chairs and standing is just so darn awkward.

"Good news?"

"Very good! The people were half expecting to see you today, but I made something up about how you only want to speak with the people serious about defending their home. I hope you don't mind me fibbing like that!" I waved it off, I was grateful he came up with something. "It looks like most of the people here want to fight. No ones trained in combat unfortunately. However, they are very quick learners and with their great talent for magic, it wont take long to give them some basics. I was thinking we could utilise them as battlefield healers and support units." It was so interesting to see Fenwir turn from cute and bashful to commander mode, he hadn't lost his touch.

"Oh wow! Thats fantastic news! How many volunteers?"

"It was hard to count but we reckon about fifteen thousand." I took a moment to revel in that moment, to let that feeling of victory wash over me. Another weight was lifted off my shoulders, and it felt amazing.

"Well done! Hah, you didnt even need me!" I felt like I was going to start bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"I'll always need my Queen." He whispered as he grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. Without thinking I kissed back. I was shocked beyond words but it's something I've wanted and craved since I finally realised my feelings towards him. My heart was hammering in my chest, blood rushed through my ears and my body went numb; too many emotions to process at once.

We pulled away after what seemed like a blissful eternity. Fenwir smiled at me before dashing out the door at an unnatural speed. I flopped back on the bed, grabbed a pillow and grinned to myself in the fading light. 

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