1 : Mobs and Such (Trailer!)

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Check out the trailer!!

WARNING: This story was written in 2012, AKA my CARROT phase. It WILLLL be cringe-worthy. 

I hope you enjoy nonetheless :)


Chapter one: Mobs and Such

Two hours had flown by so quickly. Yet, I walked around endlessly through the mall in hopes of finding a clothing store I hadn't entered. Being very picky, as well as indecisive, had a negative effect during times like these. I tried on many things but they didn't fit my style.

Clutching the coffee cup in my hand, I finally took a glance at the magazine I picked up.

"Who Is Harry Styles Mystery Girl?" The article read. 

I rolled my eyes and snorted before tossing the magazine into the nearest trash can. It was probably filled with a bunch of useless information. One obviously being about the new boy band teenagers like myself swooned over.

It wasn't like I was a hater or anything, I just had better things to do than stalk One Direction's Twitter and Facebook page. Walking around the mall for a new outfit for instance. That's what regular teens do, right?

I took a glance at the food court I started to pass before someone knocked into me, resulting in me dropping the cup in hand.

"Crap!" I yelled, watching as the liquid created a small puddle below me.

I glanced up at the girl running a few feet ahead of me. She continued in her hurried pace, "sorry!" She called back over her shoulder. 

Grumbling about the wasted money, I stormed away with the intention of finding a bathroom to collect paper towels to clean up the mess. The mess wasn't caused by me so-

I shuddered in surprise at the several screams erupting all at once as a few boys ran passed me. I looked ahead to find a mob of screaming girls headed in my direction. My eyes widened at their hysterical faces. 

They were clearly excited about something I was completely unaware of.

My fight or flight mode kicked in and although my feet felt like boulders, I managed to make them turn around as the mob neared me. I ran in hopes of not getting trampled on and made a sharp turn into the nearest store. I ran inside and managed to make it in before the doors slammed closed. 

"I almost died," I said in between breaths. I clutched my chest to feel my rapidly beating heart. continued to hear the piercing screams behind me. I turned around and I stared in shocked amusement at the number of girls surrounding the store I just entered, pressing against the glass window.

 A chuckle left me at their hysterical faces and more so as some began to cry, thinking I had become some overnight sensation somehow. 

"I love you!" One yelled.

"And I love you!" I shouted, shooting the girl a thumbs up.

My brow rose as I noticed she wasn't even looking at me. Instead at someone or something behind me. I took a few guesses as to who it could be with my initial one being Billie Eilish. Never in my life had I ever seen this.  They banged against the window for attention.

I finally turned on my heels to see what the fuss was all about. A part of me hoped my guess was correct.

"Oh god," I breathed out. My stomach fell as I recognized the eyes staring back at me to be the members of One Direction. 

Well, I don't think I'm getting that new outfit.

[Edited 19 June 2020]

Are you a Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, or Niall girl? 

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