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Twelve years, five months, twenty days, four hours, and thirty-seven minutes you’ve been gone. I’ve never once lost count. You’d be proud. I can’t even begin to explain the hole you left in my heart, my life, my everything. I want to be furious. I have been furious. But I can’t change what has happened, even if I try a thousand times to. I have tried a thousand times. Each of those times ends in further heartache. It’s like a knife, my love.

Every single day I see you in my dreams. Just as you promised me a century ago, you’d never leave me. You’ve kept your promise, in a way. You’ve never left my thoughts. I don’t know how much longer I can keep going. Twelve years and I’ve never felt so dead in my existence. I hate you for leaving me. I hate you for leaving me hollow and dead. I hate that you had to be all noble and such. I hate that you didn’t let me be by your side.

I’m sorry for everything I’ve done since we last saw each other. I’m so, so sorry.

I love you with every piece of my being, and believe me when I say I always, always will. I’ll see you later in my dreams, my love.


Happy Anniversary,



I know, I know. I said I wasn't going to work on this for a long time. But lately I've been thinking a lot about this story. I've had this novel planned for a year now and I just really wanted to get started. I also wanted to share a piece of it because I want you all to know how much I really appreciate all of the support. Lately I've been getting a lot more support with this series, and that really makes me happy and giddy :)

Let me know how you feel about this small piece. I know I'll probably get a a lot of "TWELVE YEARS?!?" comments. This will definitely be different from the previous two books, but I'm thrilled to write it. It will have a lot more mystery, drama, and Joanna ;) (For those who've been reading The Deal Maker and The Deal Breaker, you know Joanna's crazy story). I may post the first chapter later on this week, or as soon as I finish it.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all will love this book as much, if not more, than the others :)


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