[11] New Team

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Two days passed since the incident in the woods with Mizuki (who, by the way, I have officially stripped of the honorific "sensei") and it was the day that we finally got to see what would become of us genin.

When I walked into the classroom, I realized that Naruto wasn't sitting up top at a table by himself anymore, but down in the middle row of tables sitting next to none other than Sasuke. Well, isn't this surprising. Who knew Naruto had it in him!

He had his chin against his desk and he was giggling, until Shikamaru stopped to talk to him. Naruto looked agitated by whatever Shikamaru said, and started pointing to his headband. I made my way over to his table, thinking, it's like this seat was made for me! In between the two friends I made first.

Before I got to ask Sasuke to move his butt so I could sit in the middle, the blonde and the pink-haired girls came bursting in through the doorway, yelling in unison, "I'm first!"

I rolled my eyes. Those were the Sasuke-droolers. Couldn't they find something better to do than stalk an innocent emotionless duck-butt haired guy?

I noticed Naruto perk up at the sight of the two girls, and I cracked a smile. He likes one of them, doesn't he?

The pink-haired one, Sakura, ran over, and Naruto stood up to greet her. "Hi, Sakura! What's up?"

"Move it!" she growled, shoving Naruto onto the floor. She started blushing. "Uh, good morning, Sasuke."

Sasuke looked up from his emotionless state and gave Sakura a glare.

"...Mind if I sit next to you?" she asked in a sweet little-girl voice. By then, the blonde, Ino, had already walked down to where Sakura was and took hold of her arm.

"Back off, forehead! I'm sitting next to Sasuke."

"I was here first!" Sakura replied through clenched teeth.

They started this whole argument about "who was there first," and caused the whole group of Sasuke-droolers to join in. Sasuke seemed not to care.

I cleared my throat, right as I got this strange feeling like we were being watched...

"Hey!" I shouted over them. They all turned towards me. "I'm going to sit here, 'kay? At least I won't be drooling over Sasuke the whole time. His hair is ugly, and he acts as if he has no emotions. I don't get it..."

Sakura's eyes flared, along with all the other fangirls. "Don't you dare make fun of my Sasuke, you weirdo! You just came to this village, stop claiming everything!"

"I'm not," I said simply with a shrug. "I'm just saying that it would be better for all of us if some of you paid some attention, for once. Seriously."

Naruto jumped up off the floor and crouched on the desk, his face only inches away from Sasuke's. They both started glaring at each other.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled. I put my finger in my ear. I was really starting to hate that squealish voice... "Hey, stop glaring at Sasuke!" That only caused him to glare harder. It seemed that Sasuke was finally pulled out of his emotionless state and started staring daggers at Naruto.

The kid behind Naruto, who was somehow unaware of the events taking place, put his elbow up on the table that Naruto was crouched on and accidentally pushed him forward. The next thing I knew, Sasuke and Naruto's faces were smushed up against each other in a long, passionate kiss. They started spluttering everywhere.

I couldn't contain my laughter. It rang out through the whole classroom, causing all the commotion to stop abruptly. I fell to my knees, clutching my stomach in pain as I laughed gleefully. I then collapsed on the ground completely, banging my head over and over again on the side of the desk while still clutching my stomach.

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