Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It’s finally done!

I’ve made some minor changes. Camilla now has flaming red curly hair. Also, Ella is eighteen, not twenty-two.


What do I want?! THREE VOTES!

When do I want them?! By tomorrow!

Why do I want them?! BECAUSE I’M NEEDY!

GB <3


Parker walked into his room and slammed his fist into the first thing he could find which was his wall. He leaned beside the enormous hole he had made and closed his eyes. He couldn’t get Ella’s face out of his mind. She was heartbroken and it was entirely his fault.

He rushed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. He made himself look presentable and composed before heading to his study.

When he reached, he saw that Cher and Xander were waiting for him, looking slightly nervous. He sat himself behind the big oak desk and took a deep breath.

“I don’t know how to begin but there’s really no way this news can be handled smoothly. I’m very, very sorry to inform you that Luna Elise passed away the day before I came back.” Parker said, not looking Xander in the eye.

Xander’s hold on Cher’s arm tightened. His eyes prickled but he refused to give in. His mother was now with his father and she would be happy. If only it didn’t hurt Xander’s heart so much. He felt as if he had failed his family.

“I was with her during her last moments. I never left her side. She told me something of vital importance. She wanted our packs to join together, become one. She said that she didn’t want either of us to step down as Alpha so we came up with a solution. You could control the territory of Crescent pack while I could do the same for the Full Moon pack. We’ll come up with a new name for our new pack. Two Alphas for one pack, that too us. We could build something amazing.

Luna Elise saved my life on more than one occasion. She came to war because my father summoned her and I cannot help but feel responsible for what has happened. It would be an honor if you agreed to join our packs.” Parker said sincerely.

Xander considered Parker’s words for a moment before answering. He knew that two Alphas for one pack could be dangerous and he didn’t want that.

“I do appreciate your offer and I am beyond thankful but I cannot accept it. Instead, I would like to step down as Alpha of the Crescent pack and hand it over to you in hopes that you will lead them with as much as respect as your pack. All I ask if for them to be treated as family and equals. Nothing could make me happier. I would appreciate it if my mother’s contribution is remembered in all of this and that my sister is taken care of.” Xander finally stated strongly.

Cher and Parker were completely surprised. Never had an Alpha willingly stepped down- to be able to do so for the sake of the people was the sign of courage and humility.

“Alpha Xander, you and your sister will always be royalty. Your people will be treated with respect and kindness and soon we will become a big family. You will have as much respect as Cher or I do and nothing can change that. I am honored by what you have just done and will never be able to tell you what it means to me. I promise to do right by you.” Parker vowed.

Xander finally smiled and shook Parker’s hand. Xander knew he wasn’t much of a leader and he was not ashamed of it. Not everybody could do what he did and he was proud of himself. Now, he wanted to lead a peaceful and happy life with Cher, Ella, Angie and the others.

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