Fire Starter [Chapter 2]

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Joe's POV

So, yesterday had been a shock. I'd been hit by Izazya and his car, and ended up in hospital. To make that even weirder, I'd then seen him come running down the hallway, being chased by a doctor. But to be honest, it didn't seem out of the ordinary anymore. Ever since I'd met Izazya, my life had been turned upside down, he always managed to make everyday different, even if it was only slightly, just by a smile, a hug, something. He made life worth living. And everyday, he surprised me with something new.

I woke up to the same lumpy hospital bed and the strong smell of disinfectant that made your nose and lungs burn, and the same irritatingly painful needle that had been stuck in my arm with morphine in it. Seriously, I wasn't that hurt and had the right mind to yank it out. I opened my eyes slowly, wiping away any muck that was in them and stretching as far as the bandages would let me. When I looked up, there was a crowd of people around my bed, making me yell out in fright.

"He's awake!" Kelsey yelled excitedly, jumping up and down.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked.

"Oh gosh, you look such a mess." My mother cooed; something she didn't usually do.

"Damn man, that car must have hit you hard. You've been sleeping for ages." Dalian sighed, his camera by his side. 

"Where's Izazya?" I asked dumbly. Obviously he'd be okay now, but he'd more than likely be busy.

"He's still on his ward, they're not wanting to let him out of their sight, they think he'll stab somebody" Sam chuckled.

"Liar," Kelsey hissed, "he'd kill someone anyway." She turned back to me, "he doesn't like crowds."

"Yeah," Sam piped in, "he usually pushes people away for that, can't stay with someone too long."

"I'm surprised you two have been together for so long! Well, I mean, we all knew he liked you in a more than friendly manner- hi, Miss Joe's mum..." Kelsey trailed off. My mum just smiled at her. She was either pretending she didn't hear, or she didn't. 

"Anyway," Tyler cleared his throat awkwardly, "you're allowed home tomorrow, but we thought we'd come see you today." he explained with a friendly grin. I grinned back at him.

"But I'm fine" I moaned, I was bored and these beds weren't as comfy as my bed back home.

"You say that now," Dalian pitched it, "but trust me, you'll stand up and be like hot damn! The rooms spinning!" we all laughed and I felt a pain in my chest that stopped me. "See." I growled at him and was tempted to flag him off, but my mum was here; she thought I was pretty much perfect.  I looked at her and smiled innocently.

"Shouldn't you be going mum, it's getting late," I said softly. She sighed and nodded.

"I'm glad you didn't end up like Andy," she whispered, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, sighing heavily.

"Sometimes, I wish it had been me." I whispered honestly, pulling away. I saw my mum's eyes well up with tears. "Go on mum, I'll see you tomorrow, you need rest." She nodded and squeezed my hand gently before leaving, this was the nicest I'd seen her in four years. I watched her leave and Kelsey and Tyler left with her, making sure she got home okay, and Kelsey going to check on Izazya, it was just Jared, Sam, Dalian and I now. I looked at Sam and smiled weakly at her, mouthing I miss Izazya. She smiled and nodded.

"I don't think it's best that you see him yet, he's still blaming himself." Sam said slowly, shaking her head. I put my head on my hands. Why would he blame himself? This wasn't his fault. I looked at Sam, feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

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