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In here, you will find explanations and definitions to some terms used in the story that may help you understand the story better and grasp its concept. The spelling of some of these words are according to how they're spelled in wikipedia.

The following in the story mean:

1. The Arabian Desert:  is located in Western Asia. It is a vast desert wilderness stretching from Yemen to the Arabian/Persian Gulf and Oman to Jordan and Iraq. It occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula.

2. Sheikh: is an honorific in the Arabic language that literally means "elder" and carries the meaning "leader and/or governor". It is commonly used to designate the front man of a tribe.

3. Harem: refers to the sphere of women in what is usually a polygynous household and their enclosed quarters.

4. Keffiyeh: is a traditional Middle Eastern headdress fashioned from a square scarf, usually made of cotton. It is typically worn by Arabs.

5. Silk Road: is a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by linking traders, merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads and urban dwellers from China to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.

6. Sultan: used as the title of certain rulers who claimed almost full sovereignty in practical terms.

7. Farasha dress: is butterfly in Arabic. The farasha range of long length gowns is worn by women in many Arabic countries. Sweeping in its majestic frame, it can add to the glamorous appearance. Smart to look at, the farasha makes a young girl look like a pretty butterfly that dances around. It can be shapely and define the contours of the body. It can be loose enough to hide the flab.

 8. Bukhoor: In most Arab countries, bukhoor is the name given to scented bricks made of woodchips soaked in fragrant oil. These scented chips/bricks are burned in incense burners to perfume the home and clothing with a rich thick smoke.

9. Frankincense: also called olibanum, is an aromatic resin obtained from trees common in Arabia and is used in incense and perfumes.

10. Majlis: is an Arabic term meaning "a place of sitting", used in the context of "council", to describe various types of special gatherings among common interest groups be it administrative, social or religious in countries. The term Majlis is also used to refer to a private place where guests are received and entertained.

11. Souq: is an open-air marketplace or commercial quarter in Middle Eastern cities.

12. Mihrajan: is festival in Arabic.

13. Jalabiya: is a traditional garment. Can be worn by men or women according to the Arabian Region. 

14. Chinese snow: Basically gunpowder. When it first arrived in the Middle East from China through India, al-Rammah gave it the name thalj al-ṣīn, which translates to Chinese snow.

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