Chapter 2

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Hello, Love's lovely readers! I know that you guys have been impatiently waiting for the next chapter, well here it is! Hehe.

We're going to take a break from Tristen's POV and invite a new character that you might love or hate or both. Hehe. This chapter is kind of short but I will update ASAP! Until then, here's Chapter 2!!!


Death's POV

I’ve been living for an extremely long time. Humans know me as the Grim Reaper or Death, but my real name is Jonathon Evans. I reap the souls of the living and ferry them to Heaven or Hell. It is a tedious job but I have done it for many years making it easy. I can reap a thousand souls in one day and many more in a year. However, there is one soul which I do not reap, for I take them body and soul. This person is the first born child of Ali, a foolish man who made a deal with the Devil and me.

Ali’s family has kept his side of the deal and I have kept mine. However, I’ve noticed an annoying pattern of reluctance. Within the past century, the Ali’s family has tried to persuade me with money, jewels, and their lives but I never took interest in such inferior things. I had made a deal to take the first born of Ali’s family for generations to come as my wife and I will continue to do so. Honestly, the women of this family are weak. The resist and refuse me for two weeks before submitting to me and dying before the year is up. I hold no remorse or sadness towards my pathetic bride; she should have been strong enough to take care of herself. I laugh at their weakness and forget with a matter of days. I’ve never had a wife from Ali’s family to catch my interest or woe my heart. However, my newest bride has sparked some interest. She is not a she but a he. A male, the first firstborn male of Ali’s family.  I remember the day, I first met my wife but he would not recall such an event even if I were to go into discreet detail.

“It seems that my future bride has been born. I wish to see her immediately.” I told the parents of my new wife. They stared at me hesitantly and were slow to speak. “I said I wish to see my wife.” I repeated impatiently.

“I’m sorry my Lord but I believe something has gone wrong.” The mother of my wife said.

“Explain.” I simply replied completely uninterested in what the woman had to say. She hesitated and her husband spoke for her.

“M-my Lord, my wife bore a son not a daughter.”

“You bore a son? How peculiar.” I said. “Bring him here, regardless of the firstborn’s gender, you son will still be my wife.” I replied. The woman sent her husband to get a nurse to bring her child. Within a matter of minutes, an elderly woman walked in rolling a cart in front of her. The mother of my future bride instructed the woman to place the cart and she did so with precaution. I leaned over the cart and there, wrapped up in a blue blanket was a pale, red-cheeked baby boy. I found it strange that firstborn had been a boy, for they had always been a girl.

“I’m sure if you wait a little longer, then I shall bare a daughter which I shall give to you as your bride without protest.” The woman said.

“A deal is a deal. Though I bare no interest for this child, I shall return for him on his sixteenth year of life to take him as my bride.” I said before vanishing before the woman and her husband.

Since that day, I had no interest in watching that child grow up as I had done my other brides. I had no interest for such a child and there was nothing in particular I wished to see in such a child. I busied myself with the reaping of souls and locking myself in my library when I had free time. The sixteen years seem to pass by slowly and I grew bored of the same routine. When the time was near, I began watching my future bride. He was everything I hated about humans! Unappreciative of that which is given to him, nosy, rude, and cocky. The very sight of him angered me as well as aroused me. I found this strange. I watched the boy for months before making contact. It was only five days before his sixteenth day of live and his parents had just told him about our arranged marriage. He was anger and disgusted by the thought of marrying someone he did not know and marrying a man at that. I found his anger satisfying.

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