Chapter Four

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 Walking briskly down the sidewalk, Bianca sidles up to me, bumping into my back as I slow down. Turning around, I look past her left shoulder. A flock of girls from Orientation fill the sandy streets. Their heads hang low. The ongoing chattering from before the Reveal no longer exists, only the sound of sand grains blowing across the deserted street.

Bianca's eyes are still puffy and red from earlier when we discovered that we would become a Borrowed.

"I have to get going," I say, about to break away from her stare.

Bianca reaches out, touching my arm. "Do you have to? I mean...can we hang out a little longer?" She gives me an exaggerated frown.

I shake my head, trying not to smile. "You're really too much."

She laughs. "I know, but I can tell you need a little cheerfulness in your life. Right now, I think we both do..." Bianca gives me a playful punch on the side of my arm. With an exhale, I punch her back, my smile coming into full view. My smile disappears quickly, hidden beneath an invisible mask.

"I have your number now," Bianca looks up at the grey, ominous clouds, "so we will meet up some other time, then? How about for your birthday?" 

Rain droplets begin to fall from the sky, trickling down her blonde brows.  Her hand, once again, reaches up to touch the charm dangling from her necklace. I look away.

"Sure," I say and shield my eyes from the rain. "I'll see you later." Lightning flashes and thunder crackles, echoing off the tall skyscrapers. I glance up at the red banners draping down the buildings, flapping against the steel from the gusts of wind.

Bianca turns to walk away and stops abruptly. "We will get through this...together," she says and jogs across the street, disappearing around the corner.

I hide beneath a bus stop, waiting. My thoughts all over the place. I'm a Borrowed. I'm one of them. I lean against the glass, listening to the drops of rain slap against the translucent barrier. I will be a surrogate to Seraphim.

The bus arrives, pulling me from my trance.

The hour long bus ride nearly puts me to sleep. I try to force my eyes open, but the hectic day has sucked the life out of me. The brakes on the bus shriek. I don't move. My forehead presses against the glass window. I'm afraid to get out and face my mom. She's sad enough.

"Young lady!" the bus driver yells from the front. "It's your stop. Get up, get out, and get movin'!"

I force myself to pull away from the window. My body feels heavy. I look around the bus lazily, surprised there are only two other people, Draftees, sitting on the bus, too. I slide from my seat and make my way to the front. I don't acknowledge the driver. She grumbles as I make my way down the steps.

My toes are slimy from splashing through puddles on the sidewalk. I can feel the flip flops on my feet creating a blister between my toes, so I pick up my pace to get back home. The lightning continues to flash wildly, but no one in the city seems concerned. Red and black umbrellas decorate the sidewalks as passerby's scramble to their scheduled destinations.

Footsteps splash from behind. They seem heavy, closing in on me. Turning slightly, I scan the three figures through the pouring rain. I can't see them very well through my dark matted hair and torrent of slaps from rain droplets blinding my vision.

They pick up their pace and I face forward again, dipping my head toward the ground in an attempt to shield my face from the rainstorm. The male voices sound muffled as the droplets hitting off the pavement create loud smacking sounds.

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