Chapter 4

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"What happened to your knee?" Danny asked.

We were sitting on his front porch, and I had forgot about that stupid bruise so I wore shorts. Ugh! How the hell was I going to tell him that his stupid girlfriend did it? Oh wait, I couldn't he wouldn't believe me anyway.

I sighed.

"Oh... I fell" I shrugged a little.

"You have always been so clumsy."

"Me clumsy? Danny you always fell jumping off the swing!"

"Not fair. The sand was slippery"

"Excuses. Excuses"

"Whatever" he pushed me a little, and I laughed.

This was fun. I finally gave in, and decided to chill with my best friend. There's no way I can stay mad at him forever. Since  I was secretly in love with him, and he always made me smile.

"I'm sorry for acting like an asshole lately, you know I love you girl"

"I know you do. I love you too"

I wish he meant that he loved me more than a best friend. But too bad that was only in my dreams.

"So whats up with you and Tiff? Getting along yet?"

"Uh no way!"

"Oh come on Kel, she's a good girl. Why can't you give her a chance?"

I stood up and folded my arms. I was pissed now. Good girl? What was he blind? Did she suck him into her big head of hers? I could not believe I was hearing those words! I was so sick of him thinking me and Tiffany could ever be friends.

"Good girl?! She did this to me. You call me clumsy, but I didn't fall she pushed me"

Danny stood up too.

"You're a liar! Why can't you just be nice to her for once? She tried with you your supposed to be my best friend" Danny walked into his house and slammed the door.

I ran off towards the lake, and began to cry there. I can not believe he just yelled at me like that. I never seen Danny this way before. He never treated me this way. But then I started to understand why.

Tiffany Evans. God I hated her stupid pink blond hair and stupid blue eyes. She was 'the hottest girl' at our school. I made gagging noises. Yeah, right. I wasn't the prettiest girl on earth, but I think I look better than her.

Danny was my best friend and she just stole him away from me. I wanted him to myself. I wanted him to hold me in his arms and never let go. I wanted to be the girl he kissed or the girl he made love too.

I really hope he hasn't given himself to Tiffany. That would be so disgusting. I heard she got around, and I didn't want my best friend to catch anything if she had something.

I started to throw rocks in the lake. It seemed like the only fun thing now. I sure as hell didn't want to go home.

I heard someone come behind me and sit next to me.


I thought it was Tiffany. It turned out to be Ricky. He was a football player at my school. He had nice wavy black hair and amazing chesnut brown eyes. If the girls weren't all over Danny, they sure were all over Ricky.

"I didn't know anyone was here" Ricky laughed.

I guess noone bothered to come here anymore. It was more of a children place, so maybe that's why Danny hasn't stepped foot over here. But he could of still came with me!

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