Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N: Heres the next chapter hope you like it because its one of my favorites and i skipped like a half of swim practice twice to do this lol. And this is edited so your dislike of this chapter if you dislike it is not just its not edited like the last one.


Chapter Twenty Five: Romulus P.O.V

We sat there for a while at her mother's newly dug grave. I looked over to Tara who was crying silent tears. No one deserved to bury their family like this, especially Tara she had already gone through enough to last her a life time. But I'm afraid that being with me will cause her even more trouble and grief. Dorian is still out there and he still plots to take Tara away from me.

I have to put a stop to Dorian once and for all for the sake of Tara and her happiness. She's such a fragile child and that's what she is a child. She's only sixteen she's barely even experienced life and she now has to experience death, the death of her own mother and father. She must blame herself too, she must think that if she wasn't in this world that none of this would have happened her parents would have a different child and be happy, and be alive.

Tara clung onto the blanket of her dead mother, inhaling her scent.

"Tara we have to go it's not safe here out in the open. We are barely on the border line of Dorian's territory. They could smell your scent and come for you at any minute. Please Tara come with me."

She didn't say anything but only held out her arms like a small child wanting to be picked up. She clung onto the blanket as she buried her face into my chest, and I felt the small vibrations of her sobs. I carried her bridal style through the wreck and rubble of the house, to outside where the whole household was waiting to see what was happening and why their Luna had ran off like that. Lucian and my mother May came running towards us.

"Is she alright?" Lucian asked with concern.

"Why would she just run off like that? What did you do Romulus?" said May disapprovingly.

I thought of why Tara ran off. It was because of me of what I am, and I scare her. She's afraid of the nightmare that is me and I made her into the very thing she fears. She said she would never bring up children in a world like this in a world with people like me. She said she would never have the spawn of my seed. Every word made me cringe in hurt and sadness. I looked at the small child of a mate I held cradled in my arms wondering why she would say such things.

"She's fine and I don't know why she would run off. The way she did maybe something I said did upset her." I finally responded to May and Lucian's questions.

"Well I'm sorry Romulus but let's get back to the castle it's going to be nightfall soon and we're close to the borderline."

"Alright Lucian you take lead and get all the women back home. I can't shift with Tara in my arms I'll walk back. I'll be fine Lucian."

"Alright Romulus I'll see you back at the castle."

With that Lucian and all the other shifted into their different colored wolfs and headed off into the tree lining. I looked down at the now calmed Tara and sighed.

"Well I guess it's just you and me now. So do you want to tell me why you ran off?"
Tara shook her head into my chest.

"Did I offend you in a way only women understand? Violet said you were upset and needed the blanket. I didn't know why at the time but now I see why."

"Who's Violet?" she asked in a low whimper.

"She's your wolf. You know the annoying little voice inside your head always telling you to be close to me and do everything I ask for."

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