Chapter 6

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Unofficially Yours

Chapter 6 

The trouble stirring inside the dining room got Adam power-walking towards the area with haste. He had been alerted by his beta about the hassle, and as alpha, it got him alerted so he immediately left his office to check out the area. He already sensed the great shudder from before, and he was even more shaken when he heard a sudden bang coming from downstairs. He found himself anticipating whether his mate was hurt or not. He surely didn’t make a good impression because this was her first time and first day in the pack-house. He wants her to feel assured that nothing will harm her. Although the constant troubles inside his pack made it obvious this isn’t going to appeal any better, especially now, when her current insights about his motives remain strange and completely peculiar to her nature.

     He entered the dining room and found crowds of people swarming over a certain location. He examined the room and found the door wide open. Cracks ran over the piece of wood while half of it had practically fallen on the floor and the upper, other half remained hanging on its hinges. He irritably found himself growling under the intensity of his pack-members’ chattering over the events. The noise was noticeably disturbing and irksome.

     “Silence!” he bellowed, walking forward. The room instantly fell quiet and showed respect to the presence of their alpha. The crowd hatched and he saw the pack-doctor crouched over a body of a female. The face was blocked by the doctor’s form but those legs got him worrying. His heart lodged to his throat. What if it was his mate? He anticipated the possible injuries and severities she might’ve acquired from fighting a werewolf. But as he got closer, he breathed an inaudible sigh of relief when he saw that it was only Jessica.

     “What happened here?” he asked the crowd in a loud voice.

     Jessica stirred from her position and shakily got up from her fall. She graciously clutched her head and flashed Adam a pouty expression. Her lower lip trembled and Adam sensed a wave of foreboding of what was to happen next.

     “Oh, t-thank goodness you’re here Adam!” she heaved herself up from her evidently weak knees. “It was horrible! I was practically thrown off of that door!” she limped a single step towards Adam and clutched his shirt.

     Adam stifled a grimace. Ann stepped up with an anxious look plated across her face. Her black hair had suddenly looked messy and Adam took notice of the tremble that was slowly passing her slender hands. She pulled on her fingers nervously and looked down on the floor, appearing to have no knowledge of what to say.

     “Forgive me alpha but it wasn’t Akira’s fault!” the teenager exclaimed which had taken Adam aback by surprise. Ann broke down into tears and Jamie immediately stepped forward and pulled the girl by her side. “J-jessica came looking for her and we were on the kitchen.” she started sobbing.

     “It’s okay, deary. I’ll take it from here.” Jamie murmured for her ears alone. “That . . .” Jamie looked pointedly at Jessica, who was still trying to catch Adam’s attention by showing off her disoriented appearance. “b*tch,” she spat so hard Adam cringed from the spitefulness that filled her voice. The suddenly looking confident Italian chef diverted her glance up at Adam’s face. “She just came barging into my kitchen looking for mio Annabelle dolce e bello Akira.” her Italian accent played around her words. She kept Ann close by her side and started testifying.

     “Apparently, Ann had taken Akira into my kitchen to get some ice cream to eat. Instead, I gave them some sample of my newly cooked dish and gave them some banana splits. Then that . . . girl came into the kitchen yelling frantically for Ann’s name and screaming something about her hiding someone. So Ann tried pulling Akira away but she insisted upon facing that evil . . . b*tch.”

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