102 - Emmy

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The sound of Alex slurping milk brings back memories.  Every Friday afternoon after school Alex would come over to mine and, along with Tabs, we'd devour at least two packs of cookies as well as several glasses of milk.  It was just a tradition that started from being bored and peckish after school.  Now, sitting in the window seat of our flat that overlooks London, old memories come flooding back.

"You know, you don't have to dip the cookie and then suck the milk out.  You could always take a sip of milk and a bite of cookie."

Alex looks scandalised before laughing.  "Am I being too noisy?"

"I can deal with the slurping," I assure her.  "But don't you hate the lumps of cookie at the bottom of your milk glass?"

She shakes her head.  "Nope.  It tastes nice."

I stick my tongue out.

"Anyway, you're the one who drowns everything in ketchup.  That's disgusting if you ask me."

"I didn't," I say pointedly.

I cross my eyes at her and she scrunches her nose at me and then we both laugh.

It's good to see Alex.  I can blow off steam having chats with her in a way that I can't with anyone else.  It's not that talking with Sam isn't a good way to chill out, but with Alex it's different.  I've known her for forever.  In a life before Sketch and Sam.  That life seems so distant now, but in reality it's only been a few months.  It's strange how sometimes time can go so fast that you don't notice the days and weeks passing by.  So much has happened in such a short space of time that it's a mental blur when I try to think of all the things separately.  Individual moments and feelings.  It's like I'm watching a movie and someone keeps fast-forwarding parts, making the overall plot jumpy and hard to follow.

"How's uni?" I ask Alex.  I'm conscious that I've been spaced out thinking for the last couple of moments.

"Good," Alex replies.  Her eyes flit towards Vince and Ollie's bedroom, where Vince is on the phone to his parents.  They never ring and the urge to assume that something is wrong is on all of our minds.   "My next lecture isn't until tomorrow afternoon," she adds.

I nod.  "Are you staying over then?"

Alex blushes and for a moment I'm not sure why.  Then I realise I spoke without thinking again and I can feel my cheeks getting warm too.  I noticed her carrying in an overnight bag with her earlier and I didn't get the chance to ask for sure; Sam ran off with the packet of cookies and I had to indulge in a ten minute play fight to get them back.  Not that I minded of course.

"I didn't mean," I try.

Alex laughs and I realise her face has paled back to its usual tone.  "It's fine, Emmy.  It's you after all."

I smile.  "Me with the whole saying inappropriate things."


"Yeah, what?"

"Yeah, it's you and your big mouth."  Her face takes on a more serious expression and her voice lowers.  "And I'm staying over."

"Cool."  I grin and Alex punches my arm.  "What?"

"Cool."  She imitates my voice and I snort with laughter.  "Seriously though, Emmy.  I haven't shared a bed with him yet."

They're not as lucky as Sam and I.  They only get to see each other when their schedules are free.  I look up and notice that her face seems paler than before and I can tell that she's worried.

I stroke her arm.  "There's no need to be nervous."

"I mean, I really like him."

"I know."  Our heads are bent close together and there's a waterfall of red and blonde hair around us as we whisper.  "I can tell."

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