Chapter 8

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Hello guys. I am soo tired right now, so this chapter might not be very good, but I'm trying.  

So whats up? Have any awesome things happen to you? Cool things? Anything? Please comment. Please. Just comment something. Pwease!!!

If you love me please comment!!! 

Okay I'm done.

Heres the story, I've made you wait long enough.

Last time

This began here, so shall it end.

With a push, I was in the air.

And for two seconds I flew.

And then I heard a crash and then.....






I growled under my breath as I heard the infernal beeping noise. 



What is that thing? 


Make it stop! 


I tried to open my eyes, but my eye lids felt strangely heavy.


Where am I?


'Now this is just crap,' I thought to myself.  


With that beep, I opened my eyes and looked around the room.

I was in a hospital room where the walls were an off-white color. Ew. The same color shades covered the only other window and the door was firmly shut.

I sniffed the air and smelled clean artifical air. I shifted over.

Tingles shot up my leg and I wiggled as it fell asleep. I let out a strangled cry. Pins and needles, pins and needles! I shook my leg around and let out a sigh of relief when I felt the pins recede. I had been laying here for too long.

I had to be in a hospital near my house, the one only for shifters. The humans think it is a private hospital that only takes in special clients. It is mainly used for the children who haven't shifter therefore can't heal themselves and for births.

Then there are some times where the hospital is used for the  injuries so severe even our advanced healing isn't enough.

I sat up in the comfortable bed and moaned as I got a head rush.

Then I remembered why I was in here. I was going to go to Kyle. They stopped me.


I was supposed to be with him! I need him!

A cold fury washed over me and my wolf howled in agreement. I gladly gave her control and she responded with ferocity.

I barely felt myself rip the IV out of my hand. I sat back in my head and watched her stumble off the bed. She took a couple steps before falling to the ground. She wasn't used to having two legs. She let out an irritated growl.

I felt my bones crack and I knew I was shifting. I pushed her away and gained a little control, but it was nearly useless, I was still exhausted after my ordeal. Even so, I reached for control, once I shifted I would not be able to fight her. She would have total control of our nearly 6 foot deadly wolf body. I continued to push and strain. It was an internal tug of war between my wolf and I.

I lost.

Before I knew it I was standing in the hospital room on four legs.

But she wasn't done. 

Whatever the cost, I will return to my mate! She screamed and flung me the corner of my head. I knew that my eyes had turned black as she took total control. 

I watched helplessly as my body bounded through the doorway.

What happened then, will haunt me forever.

I did not mean to charge down the empty hallway. I did not mean to go into that room. I didn't tell my wolf to do it. I did not want to go in there. 

But my wolf is an animal. 

So when she looked at the figure on that bed hooked to countless machines, she did not see the little girl that I saw. She did not recognize her as the little girl I had babysat countless times. The little girl that used to call me Aunty Rosie.

The little girl that I had loved and played with.

She did not see Emma.

She saw a means to an end.

An easy way to attract the large, powerful wolves that she sensed all around the hospital. 

A way to attract their wrath.

I pushed at her control, pushed at the iron hold on my mind. I ripped at the bindings she held around me, but she held tight.

You brat, she screamed. We need our mate, he needs us!

No! I pleaded soundlessly.

No, no, no, no!

Pup, be quiet. I will end this.

I watched in horror as she rose up and with a defining snarl, ripped out her throat.

I screamed in agony, my whole body burning as I looked at the little girl.

Blood stained the white sheets and her usual bright green eyes looking like little glass orbs. Staring into space, forever.

Gone was the little bundle of joy that I had read bedtime stories to. She would never romp around the yard and sing songs of her day. All because of me. 


My little baby girl.

I killed her.

I felt my head jerk as my wolf heard the snarls that ripped through the hallway.

She shivered in anticipation as she felt the powerful wolves.

They were coming for her.

For us.

I know it is so suspenful.

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You all make me happy : )

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