chapter 3

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I came in to work earlier than usual. 5:00 am. Helen and Sheila were the only other two people and they were both creepy.

Helen spent her time lingering around the male toilets, waiting for some attractive young male to come by. And Sheila spent all her time calling to the spirits, murmuring away to the empty space in front of her.

Sheila's head bobbed up when she saw me, slurping heavily on pot noodles she spat, " Good morning Summer..."

Helen grunted. " Close your mouth Sheila! Honestly! Did you hear the news Summer- Lily?"

I shook my head. " News? What news?"

Helen coughed nervously. She fiddled with her coyly brown hair. " We're getting a new recruit! A young male!"

I practically choked on my coffee. Why do we need a new recruit? And a man?

I dug my face into my palms and took deep breaths in and out. Helen giggled and jumped and down. Obviously excited that a new man was coming to work with us who hadn't been scared off by Helen. Sheila had finished her noodles and was now circling the palm of  her hand. " Ooh... My aura is way off... I need a day off."

Helen laughed heavily and the next thing you know, Sheila was in tears saying that Helen didn't understand the importance of the spirits and she can send them to do her errands and go shopping if she masters the special level. Helen waved her hands around and ran up and down the hallway.

"Oh no!" She screamed in a sarcastic way. "I hope the powerful spirits don't come and buy me low fat dairy products."

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at that one, Helen acknowledged my existence. Unlike anyone else in the world.

The new guy came in a few hours later. He was late and had to push and struggle through a crowd to get over to the bosses office. Helen and sheila gasped in unison. I was taken aback too. He was so young!

He had dark brown hair and chestnut coloured eyes. His face was partly tanned and he was tall. " S-Sorry I'm so late. The traffic was every where!"

I kept a straight face. " Follow me. I'll show you around."

He raised his arm. "I-I'm Zach by the way. I want to break the ice. Do ya get what I mean?"

I didn't look his way. I led him to the small room that was my office. It had  blood red paint on the walls. I pointed to the seat by my desk, Zach nodded and scurried over to the seat. He scanned the room, his eyes goggled at the paintings and fancy rugs.

He turned to me. " Nice place. Yours?"

" I suppose." I sighed. " It won't be mine forever. Lay offs I guess."

Zach gave me a sympathetic smile that was all too familiar. I shot up. Zach kept on staring at me with cute baby like eyes.

" Y-You! Pervert! You were the guy who looked at my mum when her shirt was up and her breasts were showing, you-"

I stopped mid sentence. Suddenly I noticed that a large crowd of people had formed outside the door. They watched intently like they expected me to throw a table across the room and kill him. Zach's face went red and he stood up. He stroked back his hair.

" I'll leave then."

He made his way through the crowd without turning back. A wave of guilt and nausea swept through me and I rushed to the bathroom.

I took deep breaths. I could lose my reputation... No one would respect me anymore!

I splashed my face with water and leaned over the basin, watching the water disappear into the dark holes.

Then I remembered Zach. Alone, humiliated and out of work. He would hate me forever. Unless I made things right.

I dashed out the toilet and down the road. I could catch him if I hurried.

" Zach? Zach? Where are you? Zach!"

My feet wouldn't stop. My breath became heavy as did the air. I could see Zach. He was at the bus stop. Thank goodness. I waved my hands around. " Zach!!"

He turned around. I tried to pick up the pace. But then, the floor came closer and closer until I was stumbing... rolling. I couldn't stop.

There were flashes and screams and noise. Faces were blurry but I could make out what one person said. I heard a horn and covered my ears.

" Look out! There's a car! Get up!"

I tried... But things were moving too fast, I was going to be run over.  I was going to die!

A dark figure was approaching me. Was it death?

" Summer... Summer?"

I felt myself being scooped up and carried away. Was I really dead? What was happening?

" Z-Zach.." I muttered.

" Yes." The voice replied. " It's Zach."

"Oh." I mumbled back. Before falling into a deep sleep, in my prince charming's arms.

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