Chapter 1

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HEY GUYS!!!......THIS IS MY FIRST EVER STORY ON WATTPAD.....AND IM WORKIN WITH RESYDUL_DAMAGE WITH THIS ONE....;) XOXOX _____________________________________________________________________________


I laughed loudly and took a gulp of the drink I had in my hand only to spit it back out. I sprayed it all over the guy standing in front of me.

"What the hell?!" He yelled and angrily walked away as I struggled to contain my laughter.

'Yeah, you'd better run!' I thought. I mean who asked that guy to flirt with me?

"Haha! Nice one!" A voice said from behind me as I wiped a hand across my mouth. I turned around to see it was my friend Anam grinning at me. She high fived me and we laughed together. Currently we are at a party and rocking it. The song Another World by One Direction came on and we both squealed loudly.

"Ah! This is my favourite song!" Anam exclaimed, pretty much grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah!" I nodded. "Let's go dance!". I then dragged her with me on to the dance floor.

Oh, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. My name is Ash, right now I am at a party with my bestie Anam or Annie. Our pal from school, Dani, had thrown this party and of course we were invited. We're invited to almost every party in school even though we aren't that popular.

And let me get one thing straight - we don't drink. That's right, we hate alcohol.

"Ash! Annie!" A voice called. We both turned around to see Dani walking towards us in a tight, low-cut, red dress with her wavy blonde hair bouncing and her aqua-blue eyes sparkling.

The three of us hugged and broke apart laughing when some nerd - pretty - busting some ultra weird moves, collided with Anam, and fell face-down on the floor. We laughed even harder when he started dancing while lying down on the floor. I mean, how many times do you get to see a wannabe break-dancer doing that?

"So, how's the party?" Dani grinned.

"It's awesome!" I grinned back at her.

"Seen anything you like?" She winked at me and nudged Anam, who blushed and looked down at her feet.

"Shut up," she mumbled.

Dani and I laughed at her while she glared at us, turning as red as a tomato. We knew Dani was referring to a certain boy named Dylan. We also knew Anam didn't like being teased about him when nothing was really going on. Which was the truth. Anam did like the guy but she never approached him. It wasn't like she was shy or anything, she just didn't do it - you know, confess to her crush or anything. I wiped a stray tear and chuckled once more. It was just way too fun teasing Anam. She gets easily riled up.

"Hey, Ash," Dani said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Listen, you and Annie are supposed to um-, sing a song in like ten minutes. You know, onstage and all," she said.

"What?!" Annie and I screeched at the same time.

"Yeah, since everyone liked you guys last time at Josh's party."

"But, we were just fooling around!" Anam protested.

"Yeah, but we liked you guys anyways and you have to perform at least one song tonight," Dani said, giving us puppy dog eyes. And let me tell you, it was irresistible. She kept giving us the look until we both groaned in defeat.

"Yay!" Dani clapped her hands and bounced away.

"Listen, Ash. Before we go onstage, I need to get a breath of fresh air," Anam sighed. I agreed and we both stepped outside the house, jumping over the bodies of the unconscious, or otherwise wasted, people. There were full make out sessions going on and we both averted our eyes, and giggled, whenever our eyes fell on a couple.

"Did you hear that?" She demanded suddenly.

"Hear what?" I asked, confused.

"That!" she exclaimed. And this time I certainly heard a guy screaming. It wasn't very easy to hear over the loud music.

"C'mon! Let's go help that guy! I know he's in trouble!" With that, Anam ran off in the direction of the woods. I yelled after her to stop but she didn't listen. Good friends don't let their buddies do stupid things alone. That's why I ran after her, and together we ventured into the woods.

We were in pretty deep when we heard more shouts. It sounded like there was more than one boy. We saw a faint light and we rushed towards it. When we got closer to it, we saw that it was a truck.

"Hey. What's that?" Anam asked. But suddenly, I felt pain on my head and blackness drowned me as I fell to the ground. Before completely going out, I heard Anam's shriek and a thud of a body falling. _________________________________________________________________________________________ DID U GUYS LIKE IT?........I JUST WANT TO THANK RESYDUL_DAMAGEXOX BECAUSE SHE HELPED ME IN IT LIKE ALOOOOOOOTTTTT......SOOOO GUYS VOMMENT!! XOXOXOXO

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