Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It ceased to amaze me how massive Jason's wolf was.

'That's because he's an Alpha,' my wolf interrupted my thoughts proudly.  I looked at Jennette; if she didn't look absolutely petrified at this moment, then I didn't know how to describe her. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and take her away from this sight, but my feet felt nailed to the ground.

Gabriel shifted into his normal sized, hazel wolf. The playing field was semi-even, now. Maybe he would be able stand a chance against Jason. I was praying so badly to the fates that Gabriel could prove himself to Grey Skin, to Jason; but if by some sliver of a miracle that Gabriel won- well, that would just piss Jason off even more.

Jason's wolf lowered its body, as did Gabriel's, and they circled each other, studying one another. Gabriel's wolf made the first move, throwing his weight at Jason. I cringed as he clamped down on Jason's neck, tightly, while Jason's wolf howled out.

Quickly, Jason whirled out of Gabriel's bite, pouncing on Gabriel in the process, and smashing his large paw down on Gabriel's front leg. Jennette jumped and covered her eyes as the sharp sound of a bone cracking erupted throughout the arena. I winced and started chewing on the inside on my cheek nervously.

Come on, Gabriel, I thought.

Jason's paw lifted and he extended it and smacked Gabriel's head repeatedly. He growled and jumped off Gabriel, pushing his body across the dirt with his forehead. Gabriel's wolf roughly flopped across the ground, and a shrill cry passed his muzzle.

My heart stammered in my chest at the sound. I had enough of Jason's bullying antics. He was supposed to test Gabriel's skills, not rip him apart. I took a determined step forward, but I was stopped by two guards, who extended their arms in front of me. I pushed their hands away and went to proceed on, but they stopped me again, this time grabbing my wrist. I was tugged back, and I grunted. I glared hard at the one guard who grabbed me and looked back out into the arena.

Gabriel was quiet, and his wolf lay unmoved. I inhaled sharply, holding my breath until he moved.

He didn't. I went to tear my arm out of the guards hand just as Jennette booked it passed me into the arena. She dropped down besides Gabriel's wolf and gently clutched his fur into her fists. My heart broke for her. I pulled away from the guard and ran after her.

I stood beside Jennette, who was kneeling down and sobbing softly into Gabriel's wolf form. My eyes focused on Jason. He was standing a few paces away from us now, and he growled at me when he saw me next to Gabriel and Jennette.

I held my hand up to him, "Stop! I want to make sure he's still breathing after you nearly killed him!" I glowered at him and he huffed, turning away. Jennette had her head laying against his body now, but she scrambled to her feet, suddenly.

"He's breathing!" She exclaimed.

"He needs to shift, he can't stay like this," I told her. If Gabriel stayed  in his wolf form it would only prolong the injury in his human form and make it worse.

Jennette kneeled down, stroking Gabriel's fur, "Sweetie, you need to shift, please shift. I want to get you all better." Gabriel's nose twitched and his eyes opened, looking directly at a sobbing Jennette. She smiled and continued murmuring to him. Within seconds Gabriel's bone's shifted and his fur disappeared. He lay stark naked in his human form, groaning and clutching himself in pain.

A few pack members came down from the stands, one carried a blanket. I pulled Jennette up and took a few steps back, making room for the pack members. They tossed the blanket over Gabriel and wrapped him up. The men reached down and carefully lifted him up on their shoulders, carrying Gabriel away.

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