Chapt 22

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Chapter Twenty Two

            Pezzo's pretty, Asian secretary, Corinne smiled at Sebastian while she chatted on the phone. He was pleased to see that she remembered him.  Sebastian was also appreciative of the glass desk that once again offered him a clear view of Corinne's thighs. Watching Corinne at that glass desk felt a little like he was admiring exotic fish in a tank.

Still smiling at Sebastian and without asking why he was there; Corinne put down the phone, quickly jumped from her seat and said, "I will let Mr. Pezzo know that you are here to see him."
            Sebastian watched her walk into the back office and heard her say, "Cory that guy is back to see you again. Should I tell him you're busy?"

Sebastian didn't hear the response but Corinne came right back and said, "Go right in."

"Can I ask you a question before I speak with your boss?"

Corinne walked to her desk without responding.

It occurred to Sebastian that, considering Cory Pezzo's strong underworld ties, this young woman appeared to be very casual with her boss. Sebastian thought she must have met a few of his business colleagues and heard something about Paul Vail's murder. Maybe she was Rappelo's girlfriend or maybe she had something over her boss but she was very casual with her mob boss.

Of course, everything he had learned about Cory Pezzo surprised Sebastian and so it almost made sense that he allowed people to treat him that way. He certainly didn't give the impression of a mafia don. He could pass for a university professor or state senator but not a gangster. He was small and too neat and not the least bit intimidating.

Sebastian walked over to the glass desk and tried again.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked Corinne.

This time she responded, "Sure."

She glanced towards her boss's office as if to check if she could speak with Sebastian.
            "Do you know if Mr. Pezzo was at dinner last night with Jessie Vail and Cam Starr?"

For the first time Corinne seemed uncomfortable. Apparently she did know she worked for a gangster.

"I don't know who Cory had dinner with. I didn't eat with him last night."
The emphasis on "last night" gave the distinct impression that Mr. Pezzo had dined with Corinne at a previous time. Maybe Pezzo was sleeping with Corinne. Sebastian thought that if he worked with Corinne he would want to be eating with her every night.

"Do you know what time he left work yesterday?"
            "I think you should go ask him this stuff,"

Corinne was getting agitated and didn't seem as pleased to see Sebastian now. She was shutting down. Her attention turned to her computer monitor as a signal that she wasn't interesting in giving out any more information about her boss.

Sebastian stopped questioning Corinne and stepped into Pezzo's office.

Pezzo was still neatly dressed. He wore a pair of black slacks and matching loafers. His shirt was white linen with a light red stripe. His clothes were expensive and gave the impression that he was in control of his world but there was a certain deflated feeling to him today just as there had been with Cam Starr. The confidence was gone and he was edgy and agitated.

"I had hoped that I had answered all of your questions Mr. Tyrovitch. I know that you've been talking to a lot of people and you seem to have gotten nowhere with your investigation. I'm not sure if I can tell you anything more than I shared last time. My attorney has advised me to have him present the next time we speak"

Sebastian sat in the seat in front of Cory Pezzo and ignored the comment. He wondered if the lovely Corinne would be delivering coffee this time. It seemed like Pezzo wasn't going to be quite as hospitable this time. That was disappointing. Pezzo served good coffee.

"I was asking Jessie Vail about you," Sebastian said. "I understand you guys were out for some sort of business dinner last night. Is she selling the business to you?"

"Mr. Tyrovitch, my business dealings are none of your business. If you want to know anything else then get a warrant and I will abide by it. Otherwise I don't need to tell you my business and I don't intend to. I am involved in some very important negotiations and I don't want any of the information shared with any possible competitors. I know there is a murder investigation but I am working with his widow now and life goes on."
            Sebastian thought that it probably wasn't the question about the sale that was making Pezzo jumpy. It was the comment about last night's dinner and so Sebastian pushed a little farther.

"Are there competitors for the sale of Vail's business?"
            "Get a warrant. I am not answering questions."

Sebastian continued to push him.
            "Jessie Vail said she had dinner with you and Starr last night," Sebastian said, "She was out until nearly three o'clock. What time did you last see her?"

For just a second Pezzo paused. He seemed surprised that Sebastian wasn't leaving.

"I don't care how late Ms. Vail is out," Pezzo said, "It's none of my business."
            "Does Cam Starr work for you?" Sebastian asked, "I mean if you bought the place would you keep him on?
            "I am calling my lawyer now." Pezzo picked up the phone. The slender gangster sounded like a kid being bullied. He was calling his big brother.

"I guess Rappelo is looking for his money," Sebastian said, "I had a talk with Vince and Big Mike,"

Pezzo put down the phone and starred at Sebastian.

"The FBI doesn't burn people to death," Pezzo said, "You are not FBI. You are just a stupid son of a bitch who is going to get himself in a lot of trouble. You think Rappelo gives a shit about you. He doesn't give a shit about anyone."

Pezzo wasn't scared now. He was breaking confidence to threaten Sebastian.

"You need to close out your investigation before you get hurt," Pezzo said, "Maybe Vail deserved what he got and maybe whoever did it will get their's too.

But I am telling you. What happened to Vince and Mike happened. Now move on before someone comes to sort you out."

Sebastian stood up as if to leave then turned and said, "I know Rappelo is looking for his money and now I'm looking for it too. Funny thing is you're the guy who held the money so the way I see it you screwed up. I am not sure where or how but Big Mike came to me with questions but that means you haven't told your boss everything.

I think you might be the one who needs to leave town."

He got up to leave and he gave Corinne a smile as he passed her desk but the charm wasn't enough and she still didn't offer a coffee.

On his way back to his motel Sebastian called Grace and invited her to dinner.

"I need to share what I have heard from Pezzo," he said.

"Okay but I have someone who may be joining us," Grace said.

"Kristy Robinson is back in town. She came to the Sheriff's office this morning. She wants to show us some files she took from Vail's office when she left and she said she wanted to give them to the FBI agent who came to see her."
            "Files? What doe she have?"


"I don't know, she didn't want to talk over the phone. She said she took them when she quit and she didn't know what to do with them." Grace said. "Where are we going for dinner? What about the diner?"
            "No. I want to find out where Jessie Vail was last night and who she was with. I don't think she would go to a restaurant in town if she wanted to talk business with Pezzo and Starr and I have a hunch about where she might go for a quiet dinner outside of town. I'll make a reservation and pick you and Kristy up around 5:00. We have a long drive.

Sebastian made a reservation for two at the "Apple Tree Restaurant' out on Mormon Lake. That's where Jessie had promised to marry Paul when they were kids. Maybe that's where she had dinner with his killers.

He downloaded photographs of Jessie, Starr and Pezzo he had taken surreptitiously on his phone and then he picked Grace up first and as they drove to pick up Kristy he shared a little more of his childhood.

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