Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: 

I felt pain, and that is not a good thing to wake up to in the morning. My head pounds, and my empty stomach is churning.

Cracking my eyes open, it takes me a minute to get adjusted to the light. When I finally do though, it just makes my head pound harder.

I try to slowly sit up, but that was a huge mistake. At that moment I can feel the vomit begin to climb its way up my throat. 

I slam a hand down over my mouth, and I rush to the toilet, tripping on my feet multiple times in my frantic attempt in reaching the bathroom in time.

Right when I reach my destination, I empty last night's contents into the bowl of the toilet. All the alcohol from last night was both a good and bad idea.

It was bad because of what I was experiencing this morning. The hangover. It was good though. It made me feel numb and carefree. Something that I’ve been longing for, and something that I still am longing for. 

I just want to be happy, but apparently happiness too much to ask from the world. 

Groaning, I push myself away from the toilet, quickly flushing the horrid contents down the bowl as I do so. 

I could only imagine how I look now. Just by looking down I can see that my dress from last night is wrinkled and out of place. My hair hangs down in front of me, and the tips are wet and sticky. I could only hope that it wasn't throw up, but as I bring the end pieces of my hair closer to my nose, the stench tells me otherwise. 

I close my eyes and reply the events of last night into my head, cringing when I remember opening up to him a little. How could I be so stupid? 

I was interrupted in the thoughts of my mistake by a growl erupting from my stomach. Throwing up had made my already empty stomach cramp up even more. 

Ignoring the growls my stomach continuously makes, I grip the walls for supports as I unsteadily get onto my feet. 

Swaying just a bit, I finally balance myself and wait for the black dots in the edge of my eyes to disappear. I guess not eating really does have a big effect to me. It has never really been that bad before, but this has also been the longest time of starving myself. 

When I'm good to go, I turn on the shower and I quickly shut the door. As I strip from my dirty clothes, my eyes go down to my wrists. A sigh of relief leaves my mouth as I see that my bracelets are still on, meaning nobody had seen my scars.

When I finish stripping, I hop into the shower, the hot water immediately causes a red hue to appear onto my skin.

I scrub and scrub my body, trying to get the smell of vomit and alcohol off me. Just as I lather shampoo onto my head, I hear my door burst open, followed by hurried footsteps. I didn't even have time to move my curtains to see who the culprit was because all I could hear was the sounds of heaving and the noise of vomit hitting water. 

It was absolutely disgusting, but it made me relax a little more. It was only Amy, sporting an identical hangover like mine. Thank god it wasn't Ryder, I could only imagine how that would have gone.

I continue to rinse my body and hair, putting on conditioner while I continue to hear Amy. Just as I was done with my shower, I heard the toilet flush. 

I didn't bother to turn the shower off, I just grabbed my towel and wrapped it securely around my body before I hopped out. Turning my wrists to my body, I pass Amy who was already stripping down. She didn't even need any word from me, she already knew that it was her turn in the shower.

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