I'm going out with my friend's ex for revenge but I'm falling in love with him (chapter 26)

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Heyya, another chapter. I took advice from my comments on the last chapter (thanks to *Lubna_Suleman") and so this chapter is fairly happy. I dpn't like writing nothing chapters though, so stuff does happen. It's a bit longer than normal too (I think) anyways enjoy the chappie and don't forget to click the little vote bubble if you like the story! Comments are always apprecited too!


Vicky's POV

I lay in bed, bored. What the Hell did Jack think he was doing? I had already made it clear to him that I hadn't forgiven him. On the same note, what the hell did my heart think it was doing? Why would I want to fall for the guy that broke my heart for the first time, the guy who smashed my head in with a rock?

I wanted to believe it was just teenage hormones, because I had every idea what Jack wanted at midnight, and my hormones were going mental about that. The worrying part was, that my brain wasn't doing what it normally did - coming up with excuses and ways to get out of it, and my heart... well my heart was just beating faster every second that came closer to midnight, even though it was five hours away.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and realised that I was wearing... erm well nothing except the towel I had wrapped round myself when I finished my shower. Goddammit no wonder Jack had been so... weird when he kissed me. I shuddered and walked into the closet, pulling out a pair of leggings, a denim mini skirt and a dark purple tank top. I threw them on quickly.

A knock on the door.

"Honey are you okay?" I ran to the door and opened it.

"Ya Mom, I'm fine - You?" she nodded and then her face went all weird.

"Oh my God Vicky, I can't believe my baby girl is going to be sixteen tomorrow! I'm so excited," suddenly I caught a whiff of something. That whiff was very strong and man like... the sort of smell you get when a guy attacks himself with Axe or Lynx every morning. The sort of smell that drove me mental whenever I saw Jack.

For a second, I thought Mum smelt it too, but she didn't say anything and pulled me into a tight hug, smiling big. I hugged her back and enjoyed the familiar feel of my Mom's arms.

"Cupcake, Joey phoned. She wants you to go round to her house... you know, to talk. You want me to drop you down there now?" I smiled

"Sure!" then I realised something. Joey was Luke's twin, (in case your logic fails you, they live together). Hat meant seeing Joey was bound to mean I would see Luke. I shrugged within. I would have to see him again at some point in my life, so why not now? I went upstairs and grabbed a cute pair of purple ballet pumps and a little purse.

I ran down to my Mom and jumped straight into her convertible mini, grinning at her as she put the roof down.

"So Mom... what're you getting me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You can't get it out of me that easily sweetie!" she laughed and I joined in.

"You all right today, Vicky? You seem a bit..." I looked at her.

"What?" she shook her head.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter."

We pulled onto Joey's street and Mom stopped, grinning.

"Well I'm sure you'll have a lovely time Hon!" her eyes were gleaming, and there was something she wasn't telling me. I kissed her cheek and got out of the car, waving. She smiled and waved back, back away as she did it. I noticed her checking her make up in the rear-view mirror. Seriously. One day, my Mom's ditsiness will get the better of her. I laughed to myself and knocked on the door.

I'm going out with my friend's ex for revenge but i'm falling in love with himWhere stories live. Discover now