Chapter 2: Meet and Greet (One Direction Romance)

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"Your...Your...Your. Umm. Sorry let me restart." Sara clears her throat. "I'm Sara Hanny and of course your Louis Tomlinson." Louis smiles his dreamy smile and nods, but puts his finger to her lips and whispers "Shhhhh! Come inside. I don't want to start a mob." All Sara could think to do was nod. Louis led the way to a small room across from the doors. Sh's been to this mall a thousand times and never noticed that door. 

"So I'm guessing your here for the signing?"

"Yeah. We've slept here since after your concert. May I say it was amazing." Sara was shaking and was sure her legs would collaspe. Louis turned around and just looked at her. Sara's hear flipped. 

He's acutally looking at me. OMG!


"Nothing, your jsut not screaming and jumping all over me."

"Trust me, I'm too overwhelmed to even talk."

"Wow! You must really got it together." She only nodded. Louis took her hand and motioned her to open the door. 

"Hey where the hell did you....." Harry stopped in meid sentence and just stared.

"Ummm....hi" stammered Sara.

"Vas Happenin' " Zayn smiled.

"Well hello there beautiful." Niall said as he got up and started to hug here. She went stuff, but came to her senses and hugged him back.

Oh My God!! I'm hugging the freakin Niall Horan. The girls are never going to believe me.

"What's wrong Haz? Cats got your tongue?" smirked Liam and Louis. Louis nudged Harry and shuffled his hair.

"No-o-o. Just sort of stunned. That's all.

"Why?" all the boys said in unison.

"Umm....long story. Or well not that long."

"Hi Harry. Long time no see. I didn't think you would remember me." she smiled. 

Well, check for remembering.

"Wait! You guys no each other??" asked Liam and Niall.

"Yeah. We went to school together back in the day and Sara I couldn't forget a face like yours." Sara blushed, but hoping no one noticed.

"Oh...I get it now." winked Louis to the rest of the boys.

"Huh? I'm lost now." laughed Niall

"Well we have 3 hours til signing and we all know each other except for you love, so sit down by Harry and tell us about yourself." Zayn actually sounded interested in my life story. Why not, not like I'm ever going to get this mind bobbling chance again.


Sorry guys that its so short, but i didnt really have that much time to come up with this one, but it does explain them all meeting. I'll post the next one if you guys like it

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