My Crazy Crush 2

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I couldn't believe I had to drive Adam to my house to help him with his homework. I would think he'd have plans on a Friday night being one

of the most popular boys in the school. Its not like he hasn't asked for help with his homework but before its just he usually doesn't ask on a

Friday night.

"So Adam you don't have a date on a Friday night? Not that I am complaining about helping you I am just used to you going out on the

weekends" I ask.

"Well you see squirt I need to get a good grade and its been along time sence you and I have hangedf out and I was just thinking seing

Markus and Sue went on a date it would give us some time to catch up." He answers. The he does something i'm not used to and buts his

arm around the back of my chair and smiles warmly at me. I take a huge breath of air and turn my attention back to my driving.

We drive up to my house a huge white Victorian it has been in my family for a few genrations. We were kinda rich my dad being a lawer and

my mother being a heart surgeon. Even though we were rich my brother and I were not spoiled which was good becasue I hate spoiled rich

kids. Any way I grab my black messenger bag and climb out of the car.Adam follows me into the house.

" Mom Dad I'm home!" I yell as I walk into the house. I notice that all the lights are off so I walk into the dinning room to put my bag down

and thats when I notice the note on the table. I pick it up and read it "Kids your dad and I got a call from your Aunt Jenny it seems as

though your grandparents were in an accident. We dont know how long we will be away seing them we would have called the school but

didn't want to scare you. Here is the Atm card just pick up what you need at the store. AND MARKUS NO PARTIES!" I felt the tears falling

from my eyes. Grandpa and Gram were in an accident. I felt a hand on my back as I started to sob siently. I look up to see Adams face

pretty close to mine,

"SHH Baby its going to be ok I am here and it will be ok now." Adam says to me.

I feel myself sobbing harder as he says this. "B u t my grandparents I love them so much what if they di . ... " But before I could finish the

word I felt Adam lean in and capture my lips with his..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2010 ⏰

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