Chapter Three

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     I was awoken from my much needed rest when the bus drove over a pothole and I hit my head at the top of my small bunk. I groaned knowing that I would not be able to fall back into slumber, even though it was what I desperately wanted to do. I took my phone out and logged onto my Twitter, finding nothing better to occupy my time. My thumbs hovered over my keyboard as I tried to come up with something to tweet.  

     "Bumped my head, can't go back to bed. Xx" 

     Nonsense. None of my tweets made any sense. They were idiotic and had no reason, yet I get over a hundred-thousand retweets and likes per tweet. Tweeting was made mandatory by management. I was required to tweet at least once a day, and normally I couldn't find anything to tweet about. I could assure that nobody could understand the ninety percent of my tweets that weren't promoting our music. 

     My phone started to vibrate consistently as I recieved notifications for each comment, favorite, and retweet that my tweet earned. I scrolled aimlessly through my dashboard, reading tweets and checking the current trends. According to the popular hastags, Zayn had cheated on Perrie last night. 

     Yeah, okay, what a massive pile of bullshit. Zayn hardly ever goes out, especially on tours. There was no way in hell that Zayn would have cheated on his fiancee. He was head-over-heels for her and he'd never even consider the thought of hurting her like that. Zayn was a shy, quiet kind of man. He's the kind of guy who learned from every mistake he made. I did not believe that this man had cheated on Perrie, and nothing would convince me otherwise. 

     From outside of my bunk I could hear muffled footsteps pacing back and forth, as well as the sounds of Zayn's pleading,begging tone. I opened my bunk's curtain a smidge and watched as Zayn paced and spoke. 

     "Perrie, you've got to hear me out! I can't get a word in when you are screamin' at me!" His shouts were not angry nor loud, they were raised whispers. "Yeah, sure, I have done something like this in the past, but baby, I had promised you that I'd never do it again and that promise has not been broken. I swear on it." His eyes swelled with tears. I could hear Perrie yelling on the other side, but could not make out her words. Zayn spoke again, gently. "Don't you have the least bit of faith or trust in me? What do you think I am? I am not a monster baby. Perrie I love you." He paused again as Perrie began to shout again. Whatever her muffled voice was saying seemed to make Zayn outraged. His face scrunched in anger as a nasty sneer became present on his lips. "Then you know what Perrie, just fuck off. You can't stand me anymore, then just go. Fucking throw the ring out and fuck off if you really want to. Good-fucking-bye." He pulled the phone away from his ear and hung it up. He grunted and pulled at his hair. 

    I laid in my bed for a moment longer, hesitating as I questioned whether or not to talk to him. I carefully slid out of my bunk and sat beside him on the floor. I could see clearly now that he was crying. Tears slid down his face. He wiped them quickly and began to give me an attitude.

     "What the fuck do you want?" Zayn snapped at me. 

     "Well, mate, you're crying. Is all alright?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

     Zayn just shrugged and his attitude dropped. He began to break down into sobs. He buried his face into me. Feeling a bit awkward, I hesitantly put my arm around him and slowly rubbed his back. I had never seen Zayn like this before. Never have I seen him so weak and defeated in all my time knowing him. 

    "There, there, there, It will be alright mate." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

     "She's going to leave me man. She's gonna fucking leave me!" He sobbed. "I can't do this shit anymore Harry. I want to fucking go home. Fuck this man, fuck this." Zayn pulled away from my arms and he wiped his tears with his wrist. 

     "This is hard, mate, trust me I know. I hate it too. I want to go back to my normal life just as badly as you do, but think about it Zayn. If you never lived this life, you wouldn't have met Perrie now would you?" I smiled ever so slightly so that he might smile too.

    Zayn nodded in agreement. "I just wish it was easier, you know? It's so much stress on our relationship. Perrie need a lot of attention sometimes." 

     I nodded. "That's why I am still single." I laughed and it was kind of real.

    Zayn laughed a little. "Yeah, lucky you." His phone rang again. It was Perrie caling back. 

     "Don't answer. You need to cool down for a bit first." I insisted. 

     Zayn nodded again and he turned off his phone. "I got a few grams if you're interested mate." He looked at me. He's taIking about pot.

I chuckled. "I'm always interested Zayn."

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