Chapter Thirteen

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Jericho and Talon were standing in front of a small, rundown looking trailer. They had been looking through those dossiers all day, and had decided to start here, because it was the closest to where Talon lived. Jericho took a deep breath, and then smiled at Talon before pulling him up to the door.

The frame was rusted, and the entire place looked as if it could cave in with the slightest breeze. Jericho was hesitant to even try to knock on it, but in the end shrugged it off. He slowly and carefully rapped on the door, and he heard scuffling inside. He waited patiently for about twenty seconds, but then started to get angry. Did these people really expect him to sit out here all night, he looked at his watch. Thirty seconds, which was like half his life.

He stepped back to the door and started beating the crap out of it. "THIS IS THE UNICORN POLICE. I REPEAT THIS IS THE UNICORN POLICE. IF YOU WOULD PLEASE ANSWER YOUR DOOR INSTEAD OF WASTING OUR SUPER COLL LIVES, IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED." After he finished screaming and beating the door, he turned and winked at Talon, who just stood there staring as if Jericho had grown another head.

He heard someone rush to the door, and was relieved when it opened about a minute later. A very beautiful blond woman stood there looking at them. She was about six foot three and extremely tan. She had an athletic build, and if Jericho were straight he would probably be drooling. As it was all he could do was appreciate her as he would a beautiful building. Admire the architecture, but still not want to have sex with it. Eww, he thought, I wonder if people actually want to have sex with buildings.

He smiled at his thoughts, and then threw his head back and laughed. He must look like an idiot, but he had never really cared much about what others thought of him. Talon nudged him, and he tried really hard to contain his mirth. Finally, after a good minute or so he was able to calm down a little bit.

" name is...hiccup..." he stopped talking. He just stood there for a minute hiccuping. Talon chuckled beside him before taking the wheel, leaving him to suffer with those infernal hiccups silently.

"Hello, my lady, I am so very sorry for my partner's very rude behavior earlier. I think this must be karma getting back at him. Anyway, as he was trying to say earlier, my name is Talon and my little devil of a partner is Jericho." Talon spoke in a cool, calm voice. He smiled at the woman and held out his hand.

"Hallyona, I know stupid name, you can call me Hally." She smiled back at Talon and shook his hand. "So, what are you guys here for?" She asked when the introductions had been made.

"Well first things first Hally, do you believe in werewolves?" Talon asked carefully, trying to verify if she was the one we were looking for.

"Well, ya. I kind of have to considering I am one." She rolled her eyes as if it was a completely idiotic question.

"Well, then we have a sort of proposition for you." She pursed her lips and considered them carefully, but then opened the door wider and gestured for them to come in.

Jericho walked in and was pleasantly surprised, the inside of trailer was nothing like the outside. The walls were painted a beautiful blue, and there were plants everywhere. They didn't crowd the space though, just served to give it an overwhelming feeling of live. This was just reinforced by a large handsome man who sat in the living room, watching TV and absently petting a fat orange tabby cat. Hally rolled her eyes and stepped in front of the television.

The man looked up seemingly startled at the interruption. He then looked over at them and his face dissolved into an expression of confusion. That wasn't what Jericho noticed though, what surprised was the giant scar on the man's face. It was huge, running from the side of his mouth to his eyebrow, with a branch breaking off and reaching toward his ear. He looked at them, and Jericho noticed that he had only one eye. The other was blue, and made of glass, making it seem as though he could be looking anywhere else and still be staring right at them.

Jericho registered all of this quickly, and then looked away so it didn't seem like he was the one doing the staring. The strange discovery had served to rid him of his hiccups though.

"This is Davy. Davy, this is Talon and Jericho. Now what is your proposition? Sorry I don't have anywhere for you guys to sit, I can barely fit myself in here some days, and another chair would be just a little too much."

"It's no problem, and nice to meet you Davy." Talon said easily. They all just stood there staring at him expectantly, so he started into the plan.

It took a good ten minutes for him to tell them, and when he was finished it was silent. Finally, after quite a while, Hally blew a breath out and sighed.

"It sounds good in theory, but what makes you guys think you can do it?" she asked skeptically. Jericho and Talon exchanged a look, silently making a decision.

"Can you keep a secret?" Jericho asked, speaking for the first time since his botched attempt earlier. Hally and Davy both nodded and Jericho resolved himself to the inevitable. Chances are they would all want to see what qualified them for the job, so Jericho figured he would just have to rip this secret off like a band aid. He concentrated really hard, and heard a small gasp come from Hally's direction. He peeked over, and was supremely satisfied as he saw small trickling of water flowing into the flower pots that were scattered around.

Suddenly, the water caught fire, and Jericho turned to see the same determined expression on his face. The fire dissipated quickly, and the water went with it. Nothing was damaged, they had both gotten pretty good at managing their powers in the past weeks. Hally and Davy looked awestruck for a moment, but then grinned at each other. Davy stood up and ran over to Hally, twirling her around in his arms.

He then turned to them, and smiled showing a star smile. Jericho only had to look closely to see that it was fake though, whatever had happened to him to give him those injuries must have been severe. He had shoulder length black hair that was tied at the base of his neck, and he was about Talon's height. He was very muscular, but not bulky, he pulled it off beautifully. Jericho felt like a weak elf standing with the three of them towering over him.

"Okay, we have a table out on the deck, we can go out there to discuss the details. For right now though, count us in. It's about time somebody stood up to that stupid council, and finally we have leaders strong enough." She smiled warmly at them, wrapping her arms around Davy's waist and resting her head on his shoulder.

Talon and Jericho smiled quickly at each other, and then at Hally and Davy. Hally gave Davy a quick squeeze and then she took his hand. She tilted her head toward the back of the trailer. Jericho and Talon followed her eagerly. The hard part was over, now it was all just details. And, details, Jericho thought, I can handle.


Okay...Finally! Chapter Thirteen, Sorry for the wait guys I will make it up to you! Promise! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Poor Davy! I wonder what happened to him...oh wait...duh...I know what happened to him! You guys don't though, so you'll just have to wonder :) Not as long as this time though, I'll try to get it up soon! Thanks for all those who fanned me, and commented, and voted, and added me to your reading list...Okay breathe! Haha, I love you guys SOOOO MUCH! Waaaaa, I'm getting emotional! Song is There's A Place For Us....Carrie Underwood! Because I fudginn love it, and it so fits my story...and Narnia...where I stole it from! Mwahahahahaahahaha! Okay enough randomness...shut up self...blah blah...I SAID SHUT UP! O.o Hehe!


Mrs. Optimus Prime

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