Chapter Eleven- Part 2

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She left Gabriel at the bar to nurse another drink, and went off in search of the restroom. She found it at the end of the hall, past the dark VIP section. The section was roped off with red velvet, and Alice could make out the yellow gleam of Vampire eyes as the occupants surveyed the bar. She ignored their stares and went into the restroom to check herself in the mirror.

            There were a few other girls doing the same thing. One of them, a tall red-head with an over-abundance of dark eye makeup, smiled at herself in the mirror, revealing sharp white teeth.

So this was what a fully grown Harpy looked like. Alice made a mental note to stay away from her. The girl’s companion, an equally tall blonde girl in a remarkably short black mini dress, was applying a layer of makeup to her already pale face.

“I heard Alexie was here last week,” the blonde said to her friend. “I was hoping he would be here tonight.”

            “I don’t think he dabbles in anything but humans,” the other girl complained, casting her gaze down the counter at where Alice stood. “Lucky humans.”

            Alice eyed her briefly, determined not to look nervous. “Do you mean Alexie Ambrose?”

            “One and the same,” the red-head hissed through her teeth.  She took a step toward Alice, who had to tell herself firmly not to back away from those sharp teeth.

            “You haven’t seen him, have you?”

            “I don’t get out much,” Alice said shortly.

The two girls looked at one another and giggled. “What’s your name, girl?” the blonde one asked.

            “Alice.” She wasn’t sure why they were asking her that, but she had a strong urge to leave.

            “You’re funny, Alice. Who did you train under? I’ve never seen you at any of the Covens.” The blonde smiled, revealing a set of normal teeth. Ah, she’s a Witch.

“I don’t train under anyone.” Alice straightened under the girl’s scrutiny. “I just arrived here from Victoria. I own Threads, on Main Street.”

            Both girls stared at her, then the red-head smiled again, showing all her teeth.  “Oh that Alice.”

            The blonde girl looked impressed. “We’ve heard about you. You threw a guy through a coffee shop window.”

            Alice stared at her. “It wasn’t through a…wait, you heard about me? That was only a few days ago. I thought New York was bigger than that.”

            The blonde gave her a saucy grin. “Not the magical circles, honey. I’m Tricia, by the way.”

            The red-head shoved her way into the conversation eagerly. “And my name is Lacy. It’s nice to meet you.”

            “Nice to meet you,” Alice murmured. A few seconds ago Lacy had looked like she was going to chew her face off, and now she was suddenly sweet enough to pour over pancakes.

            “Let’s go dance.” Tricia actually linked one skinny arm through Alice’s and pulled her towards the door of the bathroom. “I bet you’re a good dancer, Alice.”

            “Hardly.” Alice allowed herself to be towed along for the time being. “I have to find my friend, Gabriel.”

            “Is he hot?” Tricia asked.

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